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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Proof Positive The White House Narrative Is A Lie


  1. I need no more proof than the fact that it came from the white house. I take everything from this regime as a lie.

  2. Our Embassies are under assault in
    every Islamic nation in the world.
    Muslim are attacking us because of Obama's policies.
    The regime's a$$ is being covered by the press AND by republicans that seem to have lost their voices. Where are they?
    And what the heck is wrong with the American's in the WH press corp?
    Don't they realize they are patsies for the lies and are risking our very existence by overtly supporting this pitiful excuse for a president?

  3. The Salafists (ultraconservative literist Muslims) are gaining ground in Libya. Quaddafi said this would happen-not maybe, might but would.
    They wanted Freedom of Speech and found a willing partner in Obama. Now they have it and they are using the ooncept to post online and also flyers around Libya demanding that universities and schools go back to segregating males and females and that females go back to wearing the hijab.
    This is the kind of free speech that was supressed and for good reason by Quaddafi. He knew the pack mentality that will occur if he were to let the extremists have a platform. He was being proactive and would not let the trouble have a place to start. Isn't proactivity something we are forever touting in this country?

    It's just really unbelievable and there are no words left to describe what Obama has done to this country. A previously safe prosperous country that was run by a secular government is now run by Islamists and is a hell on earth for all it's citizens.

  4. The entire administration has turned to lying and deceit just to stay in office. They are power hungry. Don't listen to the Dems. Look at what they have done and continue to do. A free America is in trouble. Vote Republican!


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