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Friday, September 21, 2012


Mainstream media organizations have headlined over the last two days Chick-fil-A’s “change” they claim means the company suddenly is promising not to discriminate against homosexuals – and that it would stop giving money to those organizations that promote traditional marriage.
“Chick-fil-A says it will stop funding antigay groups” proclaimed the Detroit Free Press.
But it appears the facts are that the company’s anti-discrimination policy remains just as it was months ago – before the controversy over owner Dan Cathy’s Christian beliefs erupted – and its donations appear to have had no new directive applied.

1 comment:

  1. "There continues to be erroneous implications in the media that Chick-fil-A changed our practices and priorities in order to obtain permission for a new restaurant in Chicago. That is incorrect. Chick-fil-A made no such concessions, and we remain true to who we are and who we have been."

    And for the third time I will say, they have not changed their stance.

    And like one poster has said, "you can't trust anything that comes out of chitcago".

    I think this horse is dead enough. Time to beat on a new one.


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