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Friday, September 07, 2012


As the Romney-Ryan ticket inches ahead in the polls, one of the little noticed implications just may be the avoidance, at least for a time, of World War III.

World War III? How does that work?
According to high-level U.S. intelligence sources, Israel will likely unilaterally launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities and is basing the timing of that strike, in part, on the U.S. presidential election. Sources say Israel is more likely to consider delaying the strike until spring if they are optimistic that there will be a leadership change in Washington.

1 comment:

  1. Humans will never evolve beyond control issues.The US has the godfather mentality,as does Israel,but Iran takes the cake.Diplomacy has never been more important than it is now,since WW3 could possibly be the war to end all wars.I say that because nuclear weapons do not adhere to borders.Discretion will not be excercised and the entire planet will either be obliterated or contaminated beyond a survivable level if nuclear warfare erupts.There will be no winners.


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