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Thursday, September 06, 2012

President Obama Sends Desperation Letter Before He Goes On Stage Tonight And Now Asks For $25.00

From: Barack Obama
To: Joe Albero
Date: Thu, Sep 6, 2012 8:57 pm

Joe --

Before I go on stage to accept the nomination, there's one thing I need to say: Thank you.

It's because you've got my back that I'm here. And if we win this, it will be because of you, too.

Can you pitch in $25 or more right now?

I can't tell you how grateful I am.



  1. YES I CAN DONATE $25 because I AM BETTER OFF THAN I WAS 4 years ago and much much better than I was 8 years ago! It's not about millionaires and tax cuts it's about doing WHAT'S RIGHT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

  2. 11:02 If you are doing better you are one of the very, very few. I can see people struggling everywhere I go. So rather than giving Obama $25, help someone needy that could use it a lot more than him. There are more people on the streets with signs begging for food or money than I have ever seen in my life but good for you that you are doing better.

  3. I'm just a little short right now since everything is up 40%.


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