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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Politics, Not Leadership, Reigns In SBY

SALISBURY, MD – Last week we outlined Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton’s actions regarding the $1.4 million FEMA grant for the fire department. In Jimmy Ireton’s world, scoring cheap political points far outweighed public safety. One week has passed. We are one week closer to next spring’s city elections. Ireton is pulling another cheap political stunt.

This week we are told that Ireton is seeking to raise the annual salaries of Salisbury police officers by approximately $4,000. Is he really? Sadly, NO. Instead, the brave, hard working men and women of the Salisbury PD are being used as so many political footballs.

While Ireton and councilwoman Laura Mitchell bask in the Obamaesque glow of the Democrat National Convention and help to cement their places as Salisbury’s liberals-in-chief, Ireton is attempting to play games with the lives of Salisbury’s police officers and the safety of its citizens. By refusing to provide the RESPONSIBLE members of the city council with basic information such as the city’s year end cash position and how much money was returned to surplus at the end of FY 2012, Ireton is again attempting to goad the council members into voting against this latest proposal. WHY? To score political points on Jimmy’s ROAD TO RE-ELECTION!

Citizens should ask a couple of questions questions:

Why wasn’t this matter addressed during the regular budget process?

How can the council agree to spend an additional $400,000 without knowing if the city can afford it or not?

This matter wasn’t addressed during the regular budget process because Ireton didn’t see a need. The city’s crime taskforce recommended that salaries be increased years ago. Ireton is the one who has refused to increase police salaries. In fact, when the council mentioned this in the past he threatened to veto any budget that increased police salaries. Councilwomen Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields would not agree to a veto override because increasing salaries for police officers “wasn’t fair” to other city employees.

Ireton only saw a need to raise police officers’ salaries AFTER the city council announced its intent to meet with police chief Barbara Duncan to discuss the recent departure of several officers and question her on department morale. Again, Ireton is far more concerned about the politics of the situation that the morale of Salisbury police officers or the safety of Salisbury’s citizens.

As to question two, the answer is simple – they can’t. This is Ireton’s backstop. He would much rather have a reason to call a press conference than to solve a problem.



  1. It's an amazing coincidence that the money needed for this emergency funding, is the exact same amount that the council majority found in the budget to prevent a tax hike? Right out of Barrie Tighlman's playbook.

    Come on Ireton, do you really think that the majority of the people in Salisbury are that stupid? Chuck Cook and Ireton might believe it, but that doesn't make it reality.

  2. This also makes the police chief look bad for not requesting what is needed at budget time. Ireton didn't want to hire Duncan, the council majority wanted to hire her. Now it's Ireton't job to make her look bad by not allowing the request for her department's need's during the budget process.

  3. Before the Mayor gave a 24% raise to Lore Chambers and raises to HIS staff in this year's budget, the police were the last people in the city to get a raise. Try living without a way to deal with your fecal matter or without a safe water supply or without trash collection. There are several very hardworking people with families in every department of the city.

    Why Teresa Gardner refuses to stand up for her employees is indictative of a woman that is totally in the Mayor's pocket all the while making wisecracks behind his back with Oats for Ireton being a liberal.

    Joe, I think it is time you take another look at Gardner. Your story on her moving an unlisensed waste water guy to the water works to run the place is still a fact!

  4. He is such an awful mayor - and tell me again why we just keep putting up with his antics instead of getting rid of him, I don't think I understand.

  5. Anon 2:56 It's quite simple, your an idiot if you don't understand!

  6. Maybe Jim Beau and the lovely Laura will become lost in the Dismal Swamp on their way back from the DNC and decided to go swimming -- glug.. glug ... glug ....

  7. 9-1-2012

    I'm wondering if Owebama will be passing out "Thank You for Your Effort" notes after he gets his ASS kicked to all his fellow losers, OweMalley, Biden, Ireton, and the CBS News.

    The shock hasn't penetrated OweBamas' thick head yet I guess....You CAN'T WIN surrounded by LOSERS. His allies rank WORLD CLASS.

  8. This is very prevelent in the work force also today. when you have someone in a position that they are not qualified to do they pull these underhanded moves. It is sad that these days alot of so called leaders are really not leaders at all.Ireton is a boy still trying to grow up, its such a shame that he got elected in the first place. i will tell you joe I'am 56 years old and i voted as long as I can remember for the presidential elections.I'am ashamed to say i didnt vote in many local elections.That will change i assure you . You will have my Vote.

  9. You can now see that it is true that the department heads are not allowed to ask for personnel or raises during the budget process. The small town politics are all about sabotage in this city.

  10. Joe:

    Please tell that new "Chiefy" that she ain't in NY anymore.

  11. 3:07 PM - Politics really does bring out the worst in people like you, why did you have to resort to name calling.

  12. Just like we need a businessman running the country,the city and state needs one also.

  13. Wait. The city is running the water department illegally? Joe did you cover this? If so I missed it. Could you follow up? This cannot be true. Safe water is important!

  14. Face it Ms. Duncan --

    A few years before you came here the SPD opted to take big retirement pensions rather than higher pay, and the Dream Team led by Mikey Dunn gave them what they wanted. What's Dunn is Dunn.

  15. I think the books are being cooked. Is there any way to find out without spending a fortune?
    This seems just too opportunistic.

  16. A few years before you came here the SPD opted to take big retirement pensions rather than higher pay, and the Dream Team led by Mikey Dunn gave them what they wanted. What's Dunn is Dunn.

    September 4, 2012 7:47 PM

    Really? I didn't know that. I wonder if the same ones who wanted bigger pensions vs. higher pay is still with the pd or quit, fired or retired.

    If they are, I don't think they should be moaning too much about raises.

    1. The SFD probably saw how that worked out and tried the same thing...

  17. After meeting with Chief Duncan the city council decided to request a budget amendment to increase the SPD's budget by $650,000.00. The purpose of the increase is to bring the salaries of rhe SPD in line with other forces in the area. The increase will help retain experienced officers. The money was found in the surplus from the 2012 budget.

  18. 3:07 PM - Politics really does bring out the worst in people like you, why did you have to resort to name calling.

    September 4, 2012 4:48 PM

    Because that's what uneducated, ignorant trolls do?


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