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Monday, September 17, 2012

People Don’t Vote For Many Reasons Beyond Difficulty In Registering And Casting Ballots

States have tried a bunch of techniques to improve voter turnout on Election Day, and MarylandReporter.com described a number of them in two articles last week. But according to some studies and polls, no matter how easy officials make it, more than a third of the voting age population will still not cast a ballot.

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  1. Responsible voters who understand that voting is a priviledge will always cast their votes. These drives to create new schemes to increase turnout, although marginally successful, generally only serve to encourage people who don't want to take the time to become informed to vote.

  2. 10:14, I do agree with you to a point, but just look who's up on the block to vote for. We have a clear (lol) choice between Obama and Robamney, who both carry similar views on government healthcare and foreign policy (which is causing mayhem right now) And we have a media who took from us the only real candidate who believes in the Constitution and blames mayhem on video clips!

    Then we have a Congressional candidate, Wendy Rosen, who hops around the country voting in multiple states in the same election!

    No wonder people believe that voting is an excersize in futility!

    Would you pay $50 million dollars to get a job that pays $1.6 million and try to convince people that no corruption is involved?

  3. Nope! Wrong again. The reason i don't vote is one is the same as the other, No difference.
    Plus, I'm still not sure elections are not "Fixed"! Smoke and mirrors for the peasants.

  4. Voting is not your voice nor is it some sort of divine process by which you are deemed a citizen. Not voting does not forfeit your right to speak out and it doesn't make you any less of a citizen.


    Your voice is at your local town hall, not at the ballot.

    If you're trying to be heard by the vote you cast once every four years you may as well be trying to give a speech during a gun battle.

    Go to town hall, that's how this country was designed.

  5. Uh, I don't vote because it is a waste of time...

    NO one we are FORCED to vote for is who I want in the White house... therefore by not voting BETWEEN the LESSER OF TWO EVILS, I am helping this country....

    Even tho, the nut jobs say other wise... If you vote for a bad man, knowing he is a bad man and when he does bad stuff, your as much of the cause as the man whom did it... You showed who you want to represent you...

    If your going to get screwed up the butt by two people, who gives a shit if one uses lube or not, the point is they both are bad, they both screwed you in the ass but it is OK because one used lube to sort of help but not really...

    I don't know about you, but getting screwed in the ass with or without lube is bad... PERIOD!!!! and if you american citizenry are willing to take it in the ass then, YES you are the cause of the problem...


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