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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Tonight, 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin fired a shot across the bow of the Obama administration over its spineless response to radical Muslim takeovers of the US embassies in Egypt and Libya. She certainly didn’t hold back  :

Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house. On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs. In Cairo, they scaled the walls of our embassy, destroyed our flag, and replaced it with a black Islamic banner. In Benghazi, the armed gunmen set fire to our consulate and killed an American staff member. The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire. The Embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” (Funny, the current administration has no problem hurting the “religious feelings” of Catholics.)


  1. She is such white trash.

  2. >>>She is such white trash.<<< And yet, she has still has more class and integrity in her little finger than your dear leader can muster on his best days.

  3. who are you callin white trash you know there is also black TRASH

  4. 7:19 - How blind can you people be?? This whole administration is trash. Not even laughable any more. Your beloved messiah and his cronies will have us all bowing to these Islamic masters soon enough.

  5. Truth hurts 7:19.
    She went there.
    And she's the extremist?
    They are the killers my friend.

    Obama is an overtly weak Marxist. Without spine.
    He just let Islam slap his butt and spit in his face.
    This is public humiliation for the DNC Bragging and bloviating about Obama killing Osama Bin Laden.
    Nothing about a movie.

  6. What's ironic is one of the complaints of these rebels who were responsible for the previous governments overthrow in these countries was the lack of free speech.
    7:19's comment is typical. When the message is true it burns the heck out of the left so they resort to personal attacks. The fact remains that your boy Obama is a miserable failure in everything he had put his hands into. A FAILURE as is apparent by these clusters going on in both Libya and Egypt.

  7. Thank you, 808, well said. There is no dealing with these Islamics, as BO just found out.

  8. Somene needs to ask Obama how that "Arab Spring" working out for you now? It's successfulness is right up there with all these "shovel ready" jobs this nutjob promised.

  9. They are surrounding the Egyptian embassy this evening again and warships are being deployed to the Libyan coast and Obama's out campaigning.
    Clint Eastwood nailed it. Empty chair and to me that's putting it nicely and piece of garbage is more appropriate. Sending US troops to a conflict should be a solemn experience for a president. He should be at the White House.
    Obama is trash.

  10. No one in their right mind and with an ounce of intelligence can say Obama has been a success. He has done nothing right. Now the piece of trash has no one to blame for this latest fiasco he created. Sarah Palin speaks the truth 7:19 and you can not dispute what she said so you call her names. She's not the one responsible for the deaths of these 4 Americans. Obama is.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It is clear to me now. This election is not about Romney beating Obama. It is about Romney beating the main stream media.
    America has again been smacked in the jaw. They killed our ambassador and embassy staff folks! Where is the outrage? Where are our congressmen and senators?
    I'd bet you 200 million "Americans" don't even know or care.
    Thank you to President Hussein Obama.
    You've certainly given us change.
    You Effing Marxist.

  13. As always the crowd falls for the bait.

    Barry is A Freemason Zionist. He serves Israel, like all U.S. Presidents.

  14. I'm not a fan of Sarah's, but I agree with her on this 100%

  15. "I'd bet you 200 million "Americans" don't even know or care."
    That's the problem 9:10. Obama plays on the ignorant who only care about free cell phone and the such. The same ones like himself who can't string a sentence together without it being filled with Ah Ah Ah every other word.

  16. I've knew this was inevitable and have been predicting this will happen right here on Sby News for awhile now.
    The embassy staff and all Americans need to get out of both Egypt and Libya immediately. It's also inevitable that if they do not we will have another hostage situation. The terrorists as well see the ineptitude and foolishness of Obama and will take advantage.

  17. A great excuse to murder countless innocent Egyptian citizens

  18. "Anonymous said...
    She is such white trash.

    September 12, 2012 7:19"

    If Palin is trash what's Obama? The Libyan Ambassador's whereabouts were unknown for 5 hours and Obama goes to bed. His body wasn't recovered until 12 hrs later. Then when he finally gets his useless butt up he goes on a campaign trip.
    It's to the point where there are no words left to describe the abomination that Obama is.

  19. If America re-elects this man, we deserve whatever fate befalls us. How can any American in their right mind (and I'm leaving out the free cell-phone crowd - you can't reason with them) vote to put this man back into the White House.

  20. The ambassador's body was being dragged down the street while obama was peacefully sleeping is the real story. The pictures are online. Then in the wake of the desecration of this man's body obama goes merrily off on a campaign trip.

  21. The ambassador did not have ANY security other than a locked door. The protection of ambassadors and their staff is the responsibility of The State Department. Hillary CLinton has as much blood on her hands as Obama in this one. The Libya Free Press reported that the ambassador was also raped before being killed. This administration should be tried for treason.


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