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Saturday, September 15, 2012

O'Malley Going To Iowa For Steak Fry

INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is scheduled to be in Iowa as a special guest at Sen. Tom Harkin's annual steak fry.

The major Democratic event is scheduled for Sunday in Indianola, Iowa. It typically draws thousands of party activists.

O'Malley is chairman of the Democratic Governors Association. He has made frequent appearances on national political television shows as a vocal supporter of President Barack Obama



  1. i pray the good citizens of this great land see through his deception.

  2. Good , Maybe they will keep him.

  3. 11:30 we could never be that lucky.

  4. If Biden is there too, maybe Marty Owe-money will think he is in Maryland (after asking Biden) and stay there!

  5. I hope it's a one way trip.

  6. I wonder when he is working lately...been on all the political shows, voicing his opinion, for whatever that is worth, now he is Iowa....I agree, I wish he would stay out there.....


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