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Friday, September 28, 2012


The wheels appear to be coming off a two week attempt by the Obama Administration to cover up its fatal security failures at our consulate in Libya and to cover up the very fact that this was a successful pre-planned terrorist attack that cost four American lives, including that of our Libyan Ambassador, Christopher Stevens.

Not only has the scandal picked up steam in the mainstream press (Jake Tapper's ABC News report tonight is a must-watch  ), but high-ranking members of the President's own party are now demanding answers. This includes the man most often cited as a likely Secretary of State should Obama win a second term, Senator John Kerry:
Senate Democrats joined Republicans Thursday in questioning the Obama administration's handling of the fatal Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya and why the administration refused for days to acknowledge that it was a terrorist attack linked to al Qaeda.


  1. Where is Assange and the Wikileak hackers? We need them to hack in and get ahold of the notes from the daily intell briefings that the playbaby president felt no need to attend.

  2. nothing will happen , hillary has him by the grapes.

  3. 4 Americans were victims of murder which could have been easily prevented by proper security measures and the SOB obama is calling these events a bump in the road.

  4. The man killed (his name escapes me) had chatted to his on line gaming community that he was in fear for his life. He said that he had seen one of the Liyban security guards taking pictures of the building.

  5. If this was known and nothing was done to better protect Chris Stevens and the others, this is tantamount to murder and charges should be filed against the administration. He placed those people in undue harm and knew it - this is unbelievable!

  6. Obama doesn't care. This is exactly what he wants and with the main stream media covering for him he thought he could get away with anything.

    But americans are slowly but surely waking up.

    Let's face it - even democrats want to feel safe in their beds at night.

  7. It should not be acceptable to anyone that Obama has missed more than 60% of the daily intelligence briefings. Clint Eastwood was so correct in his Empty Chair comparison.

  8. Obama: I don't need to tell no stinkin Congress anything.

    Ireton: I don't need to tell no stinkin Council anything.

  9. Stevens was snuffed out. Our government is extremely powerful. An attack would not be tolerated. It was therefore, an inside job. A hit.

    Let's be clear: Barry had nothing to do with it. There is a difference between the government and the puppet politicians. Barry is the "President Character" in a long running tragedy of America's decline. It is a movie man. It isn't real. It's a story! This guy can't even memorize his lines. He literally reads the script from a TelePrompTer.

    The government on the other hand, are secretive and manipulative. They makes plans. They train. They carry out orders. Period. They do not fail.


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