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Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yesterday, both President Obama and Mitt Romney were in the swing state of Ohio campaigning. At one Romney event near Cleveland, a group of Obama supporters gathered to voice their dislike for Romney.

One apparent Obama supporter was caught on video seemingly giving a very clear explanation of why she is voting for the president and why she does not like Mitt Romney.
The passionate explanation for the former involves Obama giving free phones:


  1. Typical Obama democrat...MORON

  2. i'm voting for the 1 because i get a free cell phone, he pays my mortgage payment, free food stamps and gas for my car. what more could i want...

  3. What I do not understand is those that are on temporary cash assistance such as SNAP most likely have a cash side for bill such as a cheap phone or land line. This side can be used for the necessities that the food stamp side will not pay for. Its to help with the bills such as phone, gas, electric, etc.... Oh that right we have to use that for beer,cigarettes, and who knows what else that is a luxury and not a necessity.

  4. It's really hard to compete with Stupidity. If this represents 47%, I need to go find better company!

  5. What a complete P.O.S.

  6. So sad. This woman does not even understand that she is not free to choose, that she is a slave to the Democratic Party's entitlement programs. She will never be free if she doesn't stand up for herself. She is probably a fourth, fifth, or sixth generation entitlement family member.

  7. Show me the money. Give me free stuff. If he would just give away free crack he could be president for life.

  8. This exemplifies Governor Romney's surreptitiously recorded candid comments.

    These are truly votes bought with taxpayer money.

    Kinda makes the case for not allowing people to vote for their sustenance...let's start with Congress...they get to vote their own pay raises....

  9. I am moving to Wyoming. When it all fails and breaks down you do not want to be in a major city or entitled area trust me.

  10. It's high time decent people start standing up to these sponges! The public school sytems teaches all that PC crap that these sponges are our equals and we should treat them with respect and not look down on them.
    It's time to take a stand and let these sponges know they are our slaves and are dependant on us, the tax payers.
    The only way we are going to stop this abuse is through public humiliation and ostracization.
    We need to start an organization called something along the lines of-The Society for the Prevention of Abuse by Sponges!

  11. This is one the faces of the democratic party, yes the 47% Gov Romney spoke so eloquently of and about. The face of the moocher.
    The other face is those nutjobs running around dressed up like a woman's reproductive organ.
    These are the symbols of the democratic party.

  12. To quote Ron White, "You can't fix stupid".

  13. it is amazing how little some people will sell themselves, or their souls, for. sad, really...

  14. So the cost of buying a vote is "a free phone" per this person. How sad, they don't understand nothing is free. Someone ultimately is paying for the phone and its not Obama. It's the millions of people who pay for cell service that is covering the cost of these so called "free phones".

    Maybe all the paying cell phone subscribers should cancel their contracts so no federal tax surcharges will be collected to cover the "free phone" service.

  15. The sad thing is most of the Obammy phone recipients have their own phones they use after the government phone minutes are used up.

    Now Obama will probably give her a cushy government job.

  16. Stupid is as stupid does - ignorant, ignorant, sponge!!

  17. I want a free phone also. Every month I pay Verizon a total of $200.00 (cell and home phone). Maybe she should also request free dental work to go with her free phone.

  18. I rented a home years ago with these critters in it , roaches , they had to be terminated.
    I also had cancer in 2004 , they cured it with poison , Mmmmm good idea , get rid of this cancer.
    survival of the fittest.

  19. I need to move to another country!

  20. Eventually the Free stuff can no longer be given, like Greece and Spain, and the zoo animals that have been housed and fed by their jailers revolt, stealing and destroying. Coming soon to the U.S., do you really wonder why the Department of Homeland Security has been buying millions of rounds of ammo???

  21. the problem with moving to another country is that they are all already at our destination.


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