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Saturday, September 29, 2012



  1. Everyone should see this and understand that those "free" stuff comes from your pocketbook. Are you doing ok? Are you flush with cash in your bank accounts? Are you ready for a depression or hard times?

    This is where your tax dollars are going. If you don't like it then it's time to vote NObama OUT.

  2. Yeah,
    I'm proud to be an American right about now.
    Whatever happened to dignity and integrity? Talk about Obama failures...
    This woman is a waste of oxygen, food and clothing.

    (and a cell phone)

  3. Whats so amazing is that so many people lower themselves to this waste of oxygen, food and clothing parasite. I guess all of the Obama followers think on the same level.....LOW!!! I pay for my monthly cell phone, my elderly family members who are on Social Security pay for there phone and one of them is still actually working a few hours a week (age 81) to help offset some of their expenses. What is this low level parasite doing during the day? Standing around promoting her free Obama phone and eating bon bond all day probably watching her free cable TV!

  4. I do not for the life of me understand why this isn't being run by a conservative super pac in TV commercials across the country.

  5. I suppose if Mitt Romney gave her free s**t he would get her vote, if she really votes anyway. I'm sure that someone would have to pick her up, take her to the polling place and show her how to use the polling machine after paying her to get off her lazy ass in the first place. That woman and those like her are a drain on our society and a disgrace to humanity.

  6. There are millions just like her in cities all over America. It is my opinion that the 47% or whatever the number is that don't pay taxes should not be allowed to vote period. They have no stake in the game other than the fact that they want entitlements(handouts) paid for by the hard work of others.

  7. This video should be played EVERY DAY on national news. Can you imagine a Romney supporter talking like that? "Dey be attakin'...". They can even explain their support or their opposition for a particular candidate, other than to repeat the mantra someone else has scripted for them. If I was an obama supporter and saw this video, I would change my party affiliation rather than be grouped with these illiterate losers.

  8. I don't have a problem with entitlement programs as they were designed - to assist the truly needy when they can't provide for themselves. The problem is that these programs went from being need based to being want based. I was always told growing up that if you want something bad enough you will work for it. That is not the message anymore in America - all you have to be is lazy and irresponsible and you quailfy for entitlements.

  9. I just left the Dollar Tree and two young black girls came up to me and asked if I had a dollar to buy them a shirt. One of them had 50 cents in her hand and I told her I would "loan" her a dollar if she could pay me back. They looked at me like I was from some other planet...pay me back???? What does that mean???? I told her I would then give her 50 cents and she looked at the other one and said, "but we need that for candy".
    Already at her age (13) she is expecting someone else to "give" her money and not think of paying someone back! I guess they have learned this from home (kind of like this obamaphone lady)

  10. Look into this more....all those people picketing were being PAID to advertise for Obama by a Union. Romney should run this for a campaign add and at the end say - this add is paid for by Romney. It is self explainitory....


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