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Saturday, September 01, 2012

Obama and That Empty Chair: Mitt Goes to Israel and NOLA While Obama Won't

While the media take potshots at American icon Clint Eastwood for his non-teleprompter speech last night at the GOP convention and talking to an empty chair representing President Obama, they seem to be missing the point. Or more likely, they "get it" but are sweeping it under the rug.

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney recently visited U.S. ally Israel, while President Obama refuses to do so until/unless he is reelected. Empty chair.

President Obama has no plans to visit New Orleans post-Isaac, but Mitt Romney is on his way there. Obama continues to fundraise and campaign instead. Empty chair.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing upon which to hang an empty suit, so they used an empty chair in Eastwood's routine.


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