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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The droughts of 2012 have led to higher prices in raw commodities, The Blaze reported earlier this year, and now some are saying this will lead to an “unavoidable” global bacon shortage.
Bacon, folks. Bacon.
“Economically, it’s not a good time,” Tim Maiers of the Illinois Pork Producers Association, the fourth largest of its kind in the U.S., tells CBS Illinois  .


  1. Have to eat steak and eggs then,Moochelle Obama does not want us eating bacon anyway.

  2. All the more reason TO EAT BACON!

  3. Isn't it odd that animal producers are going out of business because they can't afford to maintain their stocks, but the price of everything at the grocery store is sky high? You would think that those producers would be making plenty of money, to the point where they increase their stocks, causing more supply and lower overall prices for us.

  4. NNNOOOOOOOO! not BACON! Anything but BACON!!!!!

  5. 1:44 the farmers who raise for big agri business (the producers) are going broke due to the pittance they are paid. The money is all going to the corporations. This is a hugh problem. That's why I buy directly from the farmer if at all possible as to eliminate the "middleman" and the local farmer keeps all the profit.

  6. I'm sure there were no hogs raised in areas without a draught. Sorry I'm NOT paying 10% more for any pork product. How can they know now what the price will be next year? Why wasn't it lower last year then? Hang onto your wallets folks. Boycott it. The price will come down.

  7. 8:30
    Im sure there were plenty raised in areas that didn't suffer from the drought. However most farmers that raise corn do it to feed their animals and also sell it to the government so they can make ethanol. The problem is they must sell it to the government first and what is left over they can feed their animals with it. Since the there is a supply shortage of corn many are selling their animals now because they are not able to feed them. Pork is not the only thing that will be going up


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