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Sunday, September 09, 2012

No One Is Being Held Accountable For Civilian Drone Deaths In Yemen

When news flashed of an air strike on a vehicle in the Yemeni city of Radaa on Sunday afternoon, early claims that al-Qaida militants had died soon gave way to a more grisly reality.

At least 10 civilians had been killed, among them women and children. It was the worst loss of civilian life in Yemen's brutal internal war since May 2012. Somebody had messed up badly. But was the United States or Yemen responsible?

Local officials and eyewitnesses were clear enough. The Radaa attack was the work of a US drone – a common enough event. Since May 2011, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has recorded up to 116 US drone strikes in Yemen, part of a broader covert war aimed at crushing Islamist militants. But of those attacks, only 39 have been confirmed by officials as the work of the US.



  1. These kind of things happening over and over again make you wonder why anyone would want to hijack one of our planes full of fuel and drive it through the side of one of our skyscrapers.

  2. Neither is anyone being held accountable for the loss of our troops who are just doing their jobs on a daily basis. The real life ungrateful bastards who keep mowing them down are not held accountable.

  3. I don't recall congress issuing a declaration of war against Yemen. But our constitution says.........

  4. 1106-What are our troops doing over there? What good has come from our behind closed doors involvement in the middle east over the past century? Nothing.

  5. I would be willing to bet that someone would be held accountable if there was a republican in the White House.

  6. I wouldn't count on it 2:18. The Bush administration was just as twisty with the Constitution as the current one.

  7. back in 1967 a movie came out entitled "Collosus,The Forbin Project".The movie was about an out of control computer that took over the world.Even it's creator could not control it's actions.Is it possible that our own technology has aquired the ability to think for itself and make it's own decisions? Sounds crazy I know,but with technology increasing by the day we could conceivably lose control of our creations.What if these drones are attacking of their own accord?If they have a self renewing energy source such as a solar battery they could continue this rampage for some time.Just a thought.

  8. 1206:
    Oh for Gods sake!

  9. Maybe they're not all ours.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    1106-What are our troops doing over there? What good has come from our behind closed doors involvement in the middle east over the past century? Nothing.

    September 9, 2012 12:09 PM"

    Making money for the US defense contractors who in turn line the pockets of politicians.
    Pres Eisenhower said it best-Beware of the Military Industrial Complex.

  11. 5:52-If there were thousands of US drones in the earths skies at any given moment,each would either have an objective programmed into it's on board computer or each would be given individual progammed orders.Those are the only 2 ways that any objective can be completed.However,any sane person knows that each and every drone cannot be fully accounted for,enabling an occasional one to slip through the cracks,go rogue and attack at will.We simply have too many drones all over the globe to effectively control each and every one.That's all I meant.


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