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Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Nickelodeon, the kids’ TV channel, apparently sees no problem with directing children to the Twitter feed of one of its voiceover stars, Jason Biggs – even if Biggs tweets reprehensible things about the anuses of conservative political women like Janna Ryan, wife of VP candidate Paul Ryan. It would be difficult to describe Biggs’ tweets as anything other than the worst sort of cyberbullying. But Nickelodeon doesn’t seem to care.

They don’t seem to care, even though one of their biggest initiatives is their Anti-Bullying Initiative  . The website for that initiative insists, “Bullying doesn’t have to happen in person. Sometimes bullies will say hurtful things on the Internet. It’s important to also learn about cyberbullying!” Not only that – Nickelodeon encourages you to “Stand up for someone that you see being bullied and tell an adult about the problem.”


  1. How can Nickelodeon suggest that children follow him on twitter and not see a problem when he posts such tweets. This is crazy. Most adults don't want to see that type of tweet let alone a child. Paul Ryan should pop him in his liberal nose for saying those things about him and his wife. This crossed the line big time!

  2. Should children have a twitter account???

    1. My thoughts exactly! If parents are so concerned, they wouldn't have a twitter account in the first place!

  3. On that thought: Why hasn't Letterman been called down for his relentless bullying of Gov. Christie? Where are the Libs that get so damn upset when someone uses the word "fat"? (Soon I'm sure, it'll become another "F-word" as we continue to use up the alphabet for supposedly bad words. Lenny Bruce must be spinning in his grave.)
    I digress.
    There is NO more perfect definition of bullying than what Letterman does on a daily basis under the guise of entertainment.

  4. As many kids that have phones and facebook Im sure they also have twitter accounts. My problem is with nickolodeon telling the kids to follow these actors and the actors posting such horrible stuff. It's not like he just cussed or something...did any of you actually see what he said and how vulgar it was?

  5. Is that the pie guy?

  6. Look at WHO owns Nichelodean and WHAT is the agenda

  7. He is a creep in real life.

  8. Let the boycott begin!

  9. He looks like Adam Sandler.


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