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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

My Dog Needs Space


  1. Then you shouldn't have your dog out in public. If your dangerous animal takes so much as one step toward my kids, you'll be taking it home in a bag.

  2. Shoot the person , not the dog!

  3. Don't walk up on strange dogs.

  4. A dumb idea. Dogs sense when people are afraid of them. People will see the yellow ribbon and be leery and the dog will sense it. Also children may see the ribbon and run which is a trigger that could quite possibly make a dog attack.
    Put a muzzle on these dogs when out in public not a yellow ribbon!

  5. How many people are going to know what this ribbon means? A muzzle is a univeral signal that a dog may have issues.
    7:52 If your dog ate his muzzle then buy new one! They make them in wire.

  6. That yellow ribbon means : I'm a big target for a lawsuit.

  7. People walking their dogs have just as much right to ask for their own space as anyone else. People need to teach their children to not approach strange dogs whether they are running loose or with a person. They also need to be taught to ask before they try to pet someone else's dog. Adults can be just as bad about this. My daughter and I walk our dogs and at times have had groups of 5 or 6 yelling screaming children surround us. Once to the point of one of the dogs back into a corner trembling. The dog had done nothing wrong. It kills me when everyone wants to blame the dogs. Train YOUR children in proper behavior around the dogs and there would be many less dog bites. This also holds true for the people that just let their dog run up to see any dog that passes them. Not all dogs are going to like their dog. If people would just use some sense there would be no problem. We as dog owners have rights too not just your unruly children.

  8. to 9:03 - you said it perfectly! I totally agree.

  9. My child is well-behaved and knows to stay away from strange animals. That doesn't change the fact that if your animal needs a ribbon to identify it as potential dangerous, you shouldn't be walking it in public. Keep your dangerous animals at home where they can only harm your family, not mine.

  10. how about just stay away from strange dogs period?

  11. "Anonymous said...
    That yellow ribbon means : I'm a big target for a lawsuit.

    September 6, 2012 8:37 AM"

    From a legal standpoint this is a dumb idea. This yellow ribbon solves for a plaintiff a hugh legal hurdle in dog bite cases.

  12. I don't think much is being taught to children these days as to right & wrong---it's sad but true. If I were walking a dog that was in training to be socialized or was unsure of it's responses----I would definately muzzle it! Rather be safe then sorry!

  13. 10:19. I guess that goes for police dogs and personal protection dogs as well. They would be of no use at home or muzzeled. Walk up to most any police dog and you will get bitten. Maybe you should keep your kids at home if you are so worried. They are probably more likely to be injured in a car accident or a school shooting than be bitten by a dog. All you people in Salisbury seem to think all law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon but have so much worry about a dog biting. People just need to give dogs and their owners the same space I'm sure you want when you walk down the street. If you read the post it says nothing about potentially dangerous dogs. What does that mean anyway. All dogs have teeth so can potentially bite. I guess we should ban dogs now. You all gripe about government control yet want everything to be controlled. I just don't get you people. Oh by the way im sure some of your kids are potentially dangerous. Should we handcuff and muzzle them too


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