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Sunday, September 23, 2012


The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamist organization that has successfully penetrated both political parties and the delicate areas of defense and national security.
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, told WND’s Greg Corombos that people with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are in vital positions within every significant area of the U.S. government. He specifically cited high security clearances for such people in the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security.


  1. Start praying to Mecca.

    Well, will it be so bad?
    Homosexuals will be exterminated in the name of God.
    Women will be completely subservient,chaste and humble or they will be killed for the family's honor. Even if raped. Also in the name of God.
    Their education will be limited to elementary levels as there is more importance placed on them serving men's needs and desires or face severe whippings and beatings.
    We may be expected to martyr our children on demand where now it is at least voluntary.
    Art and literature will be transformed to serve God. Anything else is blasphemy punishable by life imprisonment or beheading.
    We will live under the Islamic republic model of government. Religious Marxism.
    How close are we?
    Allah u Akbar AmeriKa!

  2. Surprise, Surprise...

  3. Yep, there is one residing in the White House as we speak!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Start praying to Mecca.

    Well, will it be so bad?
    Homosexuals will be exterminated in the name of God.
    Women will be completely subservient,chaste and humble or they will be killed for the family's honor. Even if raped. Also in the name of God.
    Their education will be limited to elementary levels as there is more importance placed on them serving men's needs and desires or face severe whippings and beatings.
    We may be expected to martyr our children on demand where now it is at least voluntary.
    Art and literature will be transformed to serve God. Anything else is blasphemy punishable by life imprisonment or beheading.
    We will live under the Islamic republic model of government. Religious Marxism.
    How close are we?
    Allah u Akbar AmeriKa!

    September 23, 2012 2:54 PM

    This person seems to be looking forward to this?

  5. It is more likely the government infiltrated the Brotherhood.

  6. there are videos and articles on the inet to prove all this and more. i have been trying to warn people for a while now. some listen, but most find it unbelievable. glenn beck has much of this info on his website and t.v. programming.

    i urge ALL who read this to get this info out to as many people as possible, even if you think they don't care. keep telling this story before it's too late.

    we can make a difference in this election. we are NOT down for the count. the government news media lies. work for the republican ticket. work as if your hair is on fire. we can and will win with God's help. now get out there and do it.

  7. There is a Muslim occupying the White House because the brain dead democrats put him there.

  8. September 23, 2012 2:54 PM

    This person seems to be looking forward to this?

    September 23, 2012 3:45 PM

    Just another extremist using half-truths, misinformation, fear and the kitchen sink to spread his message of intolerance, hate and cynicism to the less informed.

    Tactics used by people who wish to destroy certain people, groups of people, entities, government, etc. et al, when they have no platform, facts or if what they have is not accomplishing this at a fast enough pace.

    But, even if his rant is extreme and silly, there is a nugget of truth to it. Unfortunately.

  9. Family Research Council, a joke organization which sucks money from the uneducated.

  10. Family Research Council, a joke organization which sucks money from the uneducated.

    September 24, 2012 11:46 AM

    Well, you must be BROKE then.


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