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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Move Over, Groundhog Day

On Wednesday, under the auspices of the Department of Natural Resources and Old Bay, we will see the debut of Baltimore Bill, who will tell us how soon winter is going to get here.
Bill is a blue crab — or, in the words of the news release, a “weather-predicting blue crab” — who will appear at the Inner Harbor in front of the McCormick World of Flavors sign and divine whether fall will hang on or we’re headed for an early chill. Bill is supposed to make his prediction by walking off a crab plank designed just for this purpose.


  1. Too bad they didn't assign this crab the duty of predicting an election. If he swims right he favors conservative, if he swims left, he's a liberal, if he swims straight ahead it's too close to call!

  2. Hmmm. A suicide mission . Poor Baltimore Bill will die upon contact with the polluted Inner Harbour


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