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Monday, September 24, 2012

Mormons, Romney And The White Horse Prophecy

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney could become the first Mormon president of the United States. Questions about how a candidate's religious faith may impact his presidency are always a topic of discussion during campaign season but when the candidate belongs to something other than an established mainstream American Church, people are more curious.

The vast majority of Americans have been mostly unfamiliar with the history or teachings of the Mormon Church so a little investigation seems warranted. The Church has an interesting history and some rather odd teachings when compared to those of Protestant Christianity.

Founded in 1830 in the United States by its first prophet, Joseph Smith, the LDS Church is now the fourth largest denomination in the United States, with some 14 million members. Because of its early promotion of polygamy, belief that it is the only true Church based on the model established by Jesus and its inclusion of the Book of Mormon as a scripture in addition to the King James Bible, Americans have not been particularly accepting of Mormonism. Add to that the mystery surrounding Temple worship, which is not open to the public, and it becomes evident why Americans have questions about their potential next president.

There is one piece of information I find particularly interesting, given everything unfolding in the United States at the moment. Before his death, Joseph Smith supposedly issued the White Horse Prophecy, which stated that at some time in the future of the United States, evil men and secret combinations would combine to destroy liberty, freedom and free agency in the United States. It is true that we do see this happening today by secretive power elites, politicians and the Federal Reserve.


  1. Great article. I agree 100%. Romney is certainly not the answer. Surprisingly many conservatives are gung ho about Romney. I understand as I also feel he is leaps and bounds better than Obama but he is not the answer. If Romney wins the election I'm afraid we are in for 4 more years of the same Washington oriented politics that will fall short of reviving our nation. That's just a bigger hole to dig out of when a true "President of the People" emerges, if ever.

  2. Has anyone heard the interview Howard Stern's associates did in Harlem?

    Similar to the one they did in 2008 concerning Obama and the election.

    Truly scary. The almost complete lack of knowledge of a certain group of people about the candidates, their race, their views, running mates, etc.

    I didn't hear anyone say Obama was going to give them money and fill up their gas tank but some pretty awful stuff.

  3. 1:04 I agree with you. He may not be the best Republican out there, but anything is better than what we have now.

  4. The only assurance of a bigger hole is to re-elect BHO.
    Even Soupy Sales understood the value of a dollar.

  5. We have had the first catholic president, the first 'black' president, guess it is time for the first mormon president. Everyone says we are a melting pot of races and religions.

  6. No one wanted to investigate the Mormon church before Harry Reid was elected to the senate?

    Why all the interest now?

  7. Romney was the choice of the political establishment already within the beltway. But he can't do worse than the current administration. I've never heard so much run-around statements and flat out lies from any prior administration in the White House.

  8. Their ads make it very attractive.


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