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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Midshipmen Dance, Lipsync In Latest Viral Video

Midshipmen may not have much downtime, but they certainly know how to have fun with it.

That much is evident in the latest U.S. Naval Academy “spirit spot,” posted to YouTube Sunday, which features members of the academy's 22nd Company busting a move in front of Bancroft Hall, on docks in Annapolis and even aboard a sailboat.

The now-viral video has garnered more than 100,000 views on YouTube and reaction from abroad, appearing in the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, on Monday morning. During the two-minute long video, mids dance and lipsync their way to hilarity, to the tune of “Gangnam Style” by Psy.



  1. Great video! Notice that they are all Youngsters (third classmen or sophomores to you). Youngsters are noted for this kind of activity. That's because fourth classmen (Plebes) are too intimidated to do it, second classmen are too busy studying and first classmen are too busy dreaming about graduation. I know...I went to school there...a longtime ago.


  2. Don't they have anything else better to do with time?

  3. "Anonymous said...
    Don't they have anything else better to do with time?

    September 18, 2012 4:27 PM"

    Don't you have anything else better to do with your time than be critical?
    This is a fun thing they did and if it brings a smile to one person's face it is well worth their effort.

  4. This is part of the "Don't ask but I will tell you anyway" Gay officer program.

  5. I love our military but this video was a little to much for me. Last thing I want to see if people in uniform thrusting their pelvis over someone elses head.

  6. You probably wouldn't want to see them in drag, either, but that's the way it used to be. When I attended, way back in the Dark Ages, there were no female midshipman. When we put on plays we had to get guys to dress up like women. When we had football games our cheerleading squad was male. And on and on. Get over it.


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