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Friday, September 07, 2012

Maryland Dems Insist Conventions Are Worth All The Fuss And Bother — And Money

Hoopla, hooch and horse manure are all in abundance at conventions of either political party. But why do thousands of people spend all that time, effort and millions of their own money and taxpayer dollars to come together every four years for an extended infomercial? Experienced Democratic politicos from Maryland who’ve been to as many as a dozen national political conventions say they’re worth the expense.

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  1. So, who paid for Ireton and Mitchell to be there - Joe Taxpayer?

  2. No. It's paid either out of pocket or through donations for delegates to attend conventions.

  3. If you real deep into this you will find that some of the funding , for the trip, came from The United Way. Do not laugh. The United Way has funded Democrats for a long time.


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