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Monday, September 24, 2012

Let's Tackle The Salisbury Zoo Head On

As a future candidate for Mayor for the City of Salisbury, serious financial issues need to be discussed. While your current Mayor has no clue how to restructure the City's business, assets and debt, I have an absolute solution for the Salisbury Zoo.

We've already discussed how I plan to revitalize the Downtown Plaza, here's what I would do with the Zoo.

One major problem I see with how the Zoo is structured is the fact that they now have TWO non profit organizations related to the Zoo in which they can do fundraising. The Mayor nor the City Council have ANY say in what they say or do, that's a problem.

Now, let me make something very clear here. I have NO problem with the people involved in these organizations, I simply have solutions as to how we can all make this work.

Considering the Zoo, (in the past) has hired full time employees that were originally under the umbrella of the Zoo Commission, once those grant funds disappeared they came to the rubber stamp Council and made them all full time employees with benefits.

The overall expense for employees and food for the animals 7 years ago was $350,000.00. Now it's close to $1,400,000.00 and that's a problem. Every time the Zoo Commission and the AZA do anything, it ends up costing the taxpayers millions of dollars.

So, here's my proposal. I say we should RENT the Zoo property and buildings to the Zoo Commission for $1.00 a year, very similar to the Humane Society. At that point and time ALL Employees will become the responsibility of the Zoo Commission as well as ALL expenses.

IF the Zoo is everything the Zoo Commission claims it is, then let them back it up by fully supporting the Zoo. You see Folks, when you make alleged donations to FEED the animals, that money does NOT come back to the General Fund, (taxpayers). YOU continue to fund feeding the animals in that $1,400,000.00 expense each year.

At this point the Zoo will not have to answer to the Mayor or the Council. I'd demand that at least one Council Member continue to sit on the Board. This proposal shows that I have NO interest in shutting down the Zoo. It leaves the Zoo Commission with full control over the Zoo but it also makes them accountable in the sense that when and if they hire someone they will do so because it is an absolutely necessary position to fill.

The City would continue to forward the $200,000.00 a year it receives from the Hotel/Motel tax income to the Zoo as our yearly contribution.

That would leave the City Taxpayers with an additional $1,400,000.00 to help fund the Salisbury Police Department WITHOUT having to possibly raise taxes, as your current Mayor has proposed.


  1. I love it. This is the perfect answer. You have my vote Mr. Albero.

  2. Why the hell hasn't someone thought about this before. Its perfect, I agree. The zoo has been on the backs of the taxpayers for too long. Chalk one up for Albero.

  3. Now that's thinking out of the box.

  4. What if the Zoo Commission doesn't want the deal or the added expense?

  5. shhhss be quite Joe your dipping into someone's money fountain. Dont you know common sense does not apply to government

  6. also, move the zoo from city park and the river would clean itself up in time, I think.

  7. I just shared this with my wife. She agrees this is the best idea we've ever seen from any candidate or elected person. You have two votes from this household.

  8. You've got the business head & common sense----You go Joe!

    Sure hope you do something about that Humane Society---It's a laugh.
    Know that's County, but I can dream, can't I.

  9. Yes and at the $1.00 a year it will become a non working entity just like the HS still receiving funding with no accountability. The way the place is now it's more of an eyesore then an attraction. Even the animals look unkept and unhappy. Maybe it should just be closed down.

  10. anonymous 8:31, I disagree. Unlike the Humane Society, I believe citizens have learned their lessaon and as elected officials we would take that situation into consideration and make the necessary contracts to assure accountability.

    Look, the Zoo doesn't need to get shut down. However, it does need to start being accountable and believe me, Salisbury News is the ONLY source out there that has been willing to go head on with the leaders at that Zoo to expose what they have NOT been accountable for in the past.

    This proposal calls each and every one of them out. It says, we'll give you every opportunity to do what they feel necessary butu this time around it will be at their expense and NO LONGER in or out of the pockets of the taxpayers.

    IF Ron Alessi wants to keep it as a FREE Zoo, so be it Ron, have at it. However, do so with your funds and stop forcing ONLY City taxpayers for everything.

    My proposal is fair and one NONE of them can argue. In fact, I welcome them to come here or anywhere else and try.

    Remember, if elected I will only be Mayor. It will take the legislative body to move such a proposal forward.

  11. Joe I will agree with you as long as the mistakes of the past with the HS aren't played out again your proposal is a very good one. Im glad you answered my post. It's a shame so much goes into salaries though and not fixing the place up and making it a safer and friendlier place to visit. I remember when you took them on and you did a great job of it. As mayor I believe you can get the counsil to work with you on something like this and bring accountability and integrity to the zoo

  12. Very good post , the salisbury government and commission think the solution to every problem is more money. This is and has always been the thinking of democrats.
    It's called "being part of the problem " , not part of the solution. These people should be behind the bars , not the animals.

  13. You got good ideas.

    Also, if you could clone Debbie Campbell and Chief Duncan for department heads, you'd have a city that runs great.

  14. Let's reverse whatever happened to cause Humphries Lake to drain & refill the park.


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