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Monday, September 03, 2012

Labor Day CANCELLED Due To Lack Of Jobs

Monday is now EMPTY CHAIR DAY.


  1. Boy, this is so true. Clint really hit home the other night during his speech, speaking to the "empty chair" (Obama - who is an enter suit in my opinion). The Dems and Libs just don't want to admit how terrible of a job Obama has done the past four years! They are running scared!

  2. President Obama administration isn't running scared. The want to be president Romney's administration is running scared. Clint Eastwood improv was great and I had a get laugh. But, like the current President said, His chair is taken. All you guys can say whatever you want from this point, President Obama will get a seconf tem simply because his trustworthy of many votes. Paul Ryans throughout his speech throughtout the RNC was full of lies. The entire Republican Party up to this point want the rich to led and the middle class/poor to stay were they are at. So all you folks who believe in a Romney/Ryan administration; then make Clint's days. LMAO!

    1. If you think this administration has done their job, you must be dillusional. If you think we are better off than 4 years ago, dillusional again.
      Gallon of gas when Obama took office $ 1.89.
      Gallon of gas today $ 3.75
      Is this the Hope and Change you were looking for?! If you answer Yes, than you are just plain stupid. Next man up, NO-BAMA 2012

  3. I think Obamas campaign may say blunts and 40's for all get out and vote.he is ruining this Country

  4. People are dropping bummer as quick as they can. Same with his retarded VP. (This is meant as a negative to biden, not anything against those with learning disabilities). Got my chair out front too!

  5. Doesnt get spoken any better.

  6. I was truly impressed with Clint. And I do believe the libs are running scared.

  7. My chair is sitting out front!!

  8. 3:38 take some of that free obammie money and learn to write and spell!!

  9. My chair wil be out all week! Maybe until November!

  10. my chair is right in front of my brand new flat screen right where I shall be for quite some time,lmao!

  11. Of course the chair is coming out, early Tuesday morning

  12. 7:22 - You could not have said it any better. Gasoline prices have doubled, unemployment levels unacceptable - particularly for the high school and college graduates. Deficit reduction - what reduction - it has increased to an astronomical amount of 16 trillion dollars

    No jobs, No work, No energy policy, No Obama. I hope he is voted out.

  13. Anyone catch what Biden "the intellect of the democratic party" said today in Michigan? In a speech today he said people are better off than they were 4 years ago AND IF IT WEREN'T SO HOT OUTSIDE HE WOULD TELL EVERYONE WHY!
    Honest to God this is what he said.
    I can't believe people like 3:38 are still defending these dopes and can do it with a straight face.

  14. Joe, sorry this is off-topic and late (lost internet) but did you see WBOC tonight? Ireton wants the council to fork over money to tear down Thrift Travel Inn. I didn't get the whole thing of it but something about Cohen saying the bank owner needs to tear it down and it going to auction or something.

    Know anything?

  15. Tearing down the Thrift was on the city's Procurement page as up for bid along with a full scope. I personally did not bid on the job as I thought that the City had no right to tear down a property owned privately by others. I really did not expect it to happen, so I didn't want to waste my time bidding. Since the building is not in disrepair and does not present a danger to anyone, the city can't do anything. Someone built it legally with a permit signed by the City.

  16. 6:22 take some of that Fox New Kool-Aid and try to come up with intelligent arguments instead of attacking a reasonable comment. You love kicking and screaming. Give me my country back! Hands off my guns and Bibles!

    Were any of you forced to give up your guns or ammo? I know this is important to you.

    Did anyone have to switch their religious affiliation in any way?

    Who was forced by the government to change their doctors?

    Did anyone's taxes go up? I'll answer that one for you. No, under this President your taxes actually went down.

    GM and Chrysler are alive and a bunch of terrorists including bin Laden are dead.

    When Obama took office Dow Jones was at 8K. Today it's at 13.

    The useless war in Iraq is over.

    Just to name a few things... So please tell me what coutry do you want back? The one under Bush junior or most likely the one from 1950s. You know, the good old days, unless of course you're black, or latino, or gay, or a woman.

    1. Here's some inteligent facts:
      1) Price of gallon of gas when Obama took office $ 1.89. Price now $ 3.75
      2) Number of people added on welfare under Obama - 12 millions
      3) Average loss of income for single family under Obama - minus $ 4,000.00/year
      4) Obama's files are sealed, including his college transcripts, so we still don't know who he is, 4 years and counting
      5) Jean Paul Ludwig, heard of this name, Alex? Thats a dead man from Connecticut and Obama is using his Social Security Number
      6) 104, thats how many rounds of golf Obama played since becoming president. No wonder the chair is always empty....
      So, as you see, you don't have to be "Fox Cool-Aid drinker" and "Gun holding Republican fanatic" to know this administration has failed miserably. And maybe if you could use just a little bit of common sense and Independent logic thinking, you could see its time for next man up, just say NO-BAMA 2012

  17. For you people who are on foood stamps, welfare, etc. Where do you think that money comes from? It comes from us working people. When we dont have a job and there is no money collected YOU will either get a job or starve like the remainder of us. You think it is great that obama has given you money to purchase a flat screen tv...HE didnt give it to you. We the taxpayers gave the money to him to waste on you and all the other underserving bums. Welfare was not set up as it is today. It was for temporary assistance for families in distress. NOT for people able to work and take care of themselves and their family.
    YOU might think you are better off. Better think logically again!

  18. Still laughing all the way from the courthouse to the BANK!!

  19. I think we have a ms glen beck of the ol eastern shore on our hands!


  20. Well written 1031AM. You are very in tune and informed of what really is going on while the dems and libs are distorting the facts and worried they are going to lose their "free stuff". I am so tired of working hard every day to make and living and pay my bills with very little left over while I see all the low lifes sitting out on their porch or pushing strollers with three (or more) babies in tow!
    They are getting paid to sit all day long or keep popping babies out while I put in 12 hours days (or more) to try to survive. No wonder they want OBAMA back in - they may have to go to work otherwise!

  21. Yes Alex Bin Laden may be dead but that in no way shape or form can be considered an Obama success without telling the whole story.
    The Pakistani informant has been sentenced to 30 yrs in prison. You know what that means? He will never be seen or heard from again. He will disappear no doubt executed for telling the US bin laden's whereabouts.
    Why wasn't he protected by the CIA and the Obama admin? I'll tell you why. We are dealing with the most imcompetent person ever in the White House.
    Bin Laden may be dead but so will another man be dead all due to obama's imcompetency and it is sickening! This alone should be enough to gag the obama defenders. A man who helped us is losing his freedom and quite possibly his life due to obama's failure and stupidity!

  22. Alex said-" The useless war in Iraq is over."

    Not because of obama. The US only has withdrawn from Iraq because the Iraqis didn't agree to them staying. Obama attempted to secure the approval of the Iraqi govenment to grant immunity to the US military personnel, and failed so the US was forced to honor the Status of Forces Agreement and had to withdrawl.

  23. Yes Alex by no stretch of anyone's imagination can obama be given credit for troop withdrawl and the end of the Iraq war. It was mandated that all US troops be gone by the end of Dec 2011 in an agreement signed by Bush.
    Alex is a prime example of what is wrong with obama supporters. They are not well informed.


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