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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jesus Comes To Salisbury

This man was walking down the middle of Rt. 13 dressed like Jesus carrying a wooden cross barefoot.


  1. We need all the help we can get!!

  2. Good thing SPD was there to get the nut job out of the road.

  3. I don't see that he was breaking the law 1:57 , maybe you need to carry a cross for a while , moron.

  4. But what if he was really Jesus? It does make you wonder about how people would react if it really happened, doesn't it? Is he real, or a nut job?

  5. Was it Albero here to save Salisbury?

  6. good for him. would you rather see a muslim be-heading a friend or relative of yours or for that matter anyone? get real folks, he isn't bothering anyone.

  7. Yes, 3:37, because the choice is between a nutjob dressed as Jesus walking down a busy highway or a Muslim beheading. How about this -- I choose neither.

    What a bunch of morons we have in this area.

  8. the law would be walking in the roadway where a sidewalk is provided.
    i believe its there for the pedestrians safety have u seen how theses people drive?

    he should stand on 13 and main with the preacher lady..

  9. What a bunch of morons we have in this area.

    September 26, 2012 4:06 PM

    Unfortunately you are correct.

    He may have looking for that woman who preaches on a corner with an open Bible.

  10. Its better than that man in Arizona dressed as a jihadist carrying a toy RPG.

  11. Thank God He finallt made it here! I've been waiting.

  12. Well, He did say He was coming.

  13. They're just trying to tell us
    End Times are Very Near!

  14. People dress up in plastic and cardboard armor and larp in the woods and people laugh and call them nerds. One guy "larps" as Jesus Christ and everyone joins in the game.

  15. Just messages from Heaven.


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