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Monday, September 03, 2012

Isaac Brings Touch of Relief, and Hope for Next Season, to Corn Belt

 All through the scorching summer, as their crops withered under cloudless skies, Corn Belt farmers waited and prayed for this moment. Now, courtesy of Hurricane Isaac, it has finally arrived: three days of rain to soak their parched fields and soften the cracked soil.

“It’s a dead-still, straight-down rain,” Greg Schneider, who lost 80 percent of his corn crop to this summer’s drought, said as he watched the storm from his dining room window. “This is exactly the kind of rain we needed.”


1 comment:

  1. I don;t get it. The corn is done. Never made kernels past 20% or so unless it was irrigated. How is 3 days of rain in september going to help next year's crop?This rain will be gone by then. Any profits yet to be made on late crops were eaten up by the failed corn crop. Prices for gas and food has skyrocked 12 % in 3 weeks.

    Sorry, I just don't see it.


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