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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Is The FBI Spying On You?

If you use an Apple product – the FBI could be spying on you. Hacktivists working within the group "Anonymous" are claiming they've caught the FBI spying on more than 12 million Apple customers. On Monday night, the hacktivists released FBI files that contained over 12 million Apple UDID's – which are specific numbers exclusively assigned to apple products like Iphones and Ipads. Along with the UDIDs, Anonymous is saying the FBI database also included user names, cell phone numbers, and addresses. The FBI has yet to comment on the story. In a statement on the discovery, Anonymous said, "For the last few years we have broke [sic] into systems belonging to Governments and Big corporations just to find out they are spending millions of tax dollars to spy on their citizens. They work to discredit dissenting voices." It's true, we are being spied on. The emerging surveillance state is a consequence of corporations taking over our government. One major difference between democratic rule and corporate rule – there is no transparency or individual privacy when corporations are in control.


  1. i dont know why people are so against Anonymous. they are the TRUE 'freedom of information act'!

  2. After the war efforts on cyber terrorism in afghan....this will be justified in the eyes of big brother.what a crock of poo.

  3. Not a single one of you people who said it was okay to stop innocent citizens in their travels to see IF there was any crime being POSSIBLY committed, cheered when speed camera's went up everywhere, became delerious with joy at the thought of drones monitoring the entire country, said "great!" when New York police started stopping INNOCENT people for a little "stop and FRISK", you know, to see IF there was any POSSIBLE crimes to FIND, sided with the government when they locked up reporters INDEFINITELY, and thought the Patriot Act was actually a patriotic document, and said the NDAA was a fantastic idea, well, you can sit down, STFU, and quit thinking that surrendering our God given rights is something you should be PROUD of....


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