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Friday, September 14, 2012

Introduction Of Self-Service Kiosk Is Latest Customer Benefit From DMV

Dover -- The continuing efforts of Delaware's Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to provide the highest level of customer service is expanding with the introduction today of new self-service Kiosks at the Dover, Wilmington and Georgetown lane locations.

Transportation Secretary Shailen Bhatt, DMV Director Jennifer Cohan, and Kristina Cairns, Senior Product Manager, of manufacturer MorphoTrust USA, demonstrated and explained the Kiosk system at the Dover DMV Lanes this morning. The Kiosk's are a way to provide users with a convenient and simple option to conduct basic DMV driver services such as driver license and ID card renewals, duplicates/replacements, or address changes. As part of the transaction the touch-screen Kiosk's also allow users to select an organ donor designation and the ability to confirm or update their voter registration status. The new program was developed in collaboration with MorphoTrust USA and funded with a federal Homeland Security Grant.

"I am pleased to be able to again provide the citizens of Delaware with additional options for the delivery of DMV services. The introduction of the kiosks is another addition to the many eGovernment services that DMV offers, and the future possibilities for expanding services on the kiosks are endless," explained Director Cohan.


1 comment:

  1. The y should just get rid of the whole DMV and just send you a bill. After all it's just about the money anyway.


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