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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Immigrants Arrested After Blocking Street

 Twitter pic of actress Rosario Dawson protesting with undocubus

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/09/04/3503331/immigrants-arrested-after-blocking.html#storylink=cpy

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Ten undocumented immigrants were arrested Tuesday afternoon after sitting down in an uptown intersection and refusing police orders to disperse.

The activists are part of the “Undocubus,” a group of about 50 undocumented immigrants traveling from Phoenix to Charlotte to argue for immigration reform during the Democratic National Convention.

“We are demanding from the President to stop the deportations and separation of families,” said Gerardo Torres, of Chicago. He said he was not afraid of arrest, “Because I have the support of my community.”


Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/09/04/3503331/immigrants-arrested-after-blocking.html#storylink=cpy


  1. We don't want to split up your families either. We can deport all of you on the same bus convoy with same day service!

    You're welcome!

  2. Well get in the freaking country legally then.

  3. Repatriate them. With the other 15 million!

  4. It's sad to see people all over this country demanding things they don't deserve.

  5. Try THAT crap in the country they came from; they would likely be found in a ditch outside of town, killed by the police. Not in the country legally? What??? And PROUD of it? AND DEMANDING rights and priviledges, too? The rest of the world is openly laughing at our situation. Go to Mexico as an American and try that. See ya after you get out of prison. Try it in Russia. Or China. Anywhere. The unmitigated gall and audacity of people whose FIRST act was to BREAK THE LAW, then start demanding we GIVE them things, and if we don't they will break MORE laws, is utterly amazing.

    1. He was held at gunpoint by three officers and taken back to Lexington. Prescott arrived at Concord in time to warm the militia.

  6. One plane ticket or enough for the whole family? Legal US citizens will gladly foot the bill for them to go HOME!!

  7. these people are not citizens. how can a citizen of another country DEMAND something here in the US and we actually consider it?

  8. Stop breaking our laws!

  9. The whole bunch of loudmouths need to be arrested, quit breaking our laws, quit demanding stuff they are not entitled to and get the heck out of our country.

  10. Where was the ICE bus?


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