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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Howard Stern Exposes Obama Supporters 2012


  1. I listen to his show and this is a bit they do often..they go to Time Square and find homeless and the strangest ppl possible to interview..the only thing this exposed is, much like this blog does, is how ignorant alot of Americans are.

  2. Unbelievable!! And to think these people vote!

  3. Nothing like a well educated and well informed electorate. Just the kind of people we need making decisions.

    Do you suppose Obama phones come programmed with Obama messages ?

  4. WOW, we are in serious trouble as a conutry!

  5. too funny!!! Bring back the POLE TAX, please!!!

  6. Well of course 11:35 they are not going to interview a Wall Street executive. We already know they are smart and well informed.
    Sean Hanity on his radio show sends a 'man out on the street' to colleges and universities even and most do not even know who the VP is and you should hear the answer's they give when asked who the Secretary of State is! Most don't even know the position even exists.

  7. This is crazy these people should have to pass a test before they are eligible to vote to see if they know anything about what is going on. What a bunch of idiots!


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