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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How Long Do We Have If Obama Wins?

RUSH: Let me ask you this: How long does this country have if Obama wins? We are headed toward an economic collapse, and we are the leader of the world. When it happens to us, there are reverberations all over the world. It's not like some little Podunk European country collapsing, that goes to another relatively Podunk European country for a bailout. When we collapse, there are worldwide reverberations.

How long is it going to take?

I'm asking a serious question.



  1. So now Rush want to scare people into voting for Romney, desperate.

  2. If your not scared, you must be as desperate as Obama.
    Open your eyes, Obama is killing America.

  3. if you vote for romney or obama you are wasting your time and vote... And if you think your vote counts, your an idiot... it is the electoral college whom decides who you vote FOR, so if you have to vote for one of THEIR people or if you have to vote between only 2 people like Obama or Romney and you didn't pick them to run for that position and the parties did, or if you have to vote on lesser of two evils knowing damn well both are bad and the only difference is one uses lube and the other doesn't but in the end your screwed...

    Tell me how does my vote count? as you so eloquently say it does?

  4. 10:24 the electorates from the electorial college pledge to cast their vote for whomever wins the popular vote of the state they represent.

  5. 10:24
    Educate yourself.

  6. I agree 10:21. Anyone who is not scared of our borrowed 16 trillion dollar debt, our propped up stock market, our devalued money, the lack of knowledge of the obama admin on the middle east....the list goes on and on is uninformed. Now that's what's scary~~~the fact the so many people can not grasp the concept that we are in serious trouble. The money tree is severely parched and ready to dry up.

  7. What is scary to me is that I spoke to two friends yesterday who are both small business owners and they plan on voting for Obama. I asked them where in the hell they have been the past 3 1/2 years. Both of their businesses as well as mine are in the crapper. I tried to make sense to them but could not. What the hell people!!! The country is dying and we can do something about it. Vote the failure out and move on.

  8. They all work so hard to get elected and re-elected, that after the fact they need a long vacation once they get into office!

  9. because a dumbocrat will always vote dumbocrat no matter how America is going down the toilet.


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