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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Holy Cow!

Talk about HUGE numbers! I just checked out how we're doing for the day and well, what can I say, there's just no question when it comes to breaking news Salisbury News is by far the Go To place because our numbers are absolutely through the roof.

It's funny how any time there's breaking news this happens. Between the raw sewage leaking into the river, the Ocean City fire and the Mayor wanting to possibly veto the Salisbury Police raises, WOW!

All I can say is, thank you. It's days like today that really make us feel good about what we do. I'm glad the tens of thousands of people on the Eastern Shore rely on what we provide but believe me when I tell you, YOU are what makes Salisbury News work. YOU are the ones sending in images and tips and we can't thank you enough.

Together we make our communities better informed but in my honest opinion we also make other resources more accountable. Without YOU and Salisbury News, you have to wonder where we'd be today, seriously.


  1. Thank You Joe for all the hard work everyday.

  2. I believe it. Today at work I was glued to the site. One local story after another. You guys had it going on today.

  3. Yes Joe----It's a wonderful thing you do especially locally for unveiling the Truth!!! Just love you for it too!

  4. Funny how JT stole your picture through WMDT on this. He's a worthless piece of you know what. Makes you wonder how often he does that.

  5. 9:23 = Unless you are the boss you are paid to be glued to your job. Your priorities are totally misplaced. I am in dire need of work and it ticks me off to read your remark about being glued to Joe's site during working hours.

  6. @7AM

    I was accused of the same thing on here. Trust me I don't read blogs at work. Not everyone works 9 to 5 jobs Monday through Friday, some of us have to work nights and weekends, imagine that!

    Problem these days is too many people are all up in somebody elses business, 7:00AM why aren't you getting prepared to go look for a job?

  7. ... According to the Singer Study, the SPD was being undercompensated by 18% when compared to other nearby Police Depts; they are not getting a raise, they are getting a salary adjustment.


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