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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guess Where These Beautiful Pictures Were Taken



  1. Iran is a beautiful country.

    Its a very westernized country, but horrible, horrible leadership.

  2. Salisbury off main street

  3. Awesome and beautiful photos! All the more reason to let them have what they need to keep up with their defensw program. Yes, I mean :give them nukes". All the neighbors have them.

  4. Exactly gary, who in there right mind WOULDNT want nukes? When everyone else in the world has them?

    If pakistan and Israel can have nukes, Iran should sure as hell be allowed to have nukes.

  5. Libya and Egypt were beautiful also, that is until Obama who thinks he's an expert in Muslim culture because he lived in Indonesia for 4 yrs as a child and then backpacked through Pakistan screwed it up for those people. He wasn't happy enough he's screwed up the US so he had to go and make a 3rd world country overrun with islamic militants out of what were once propersous secular countries.

  6. I'm sure we could find some really pretty pictures of Germany from the early 1940's too. Cuba?

  7. is this pittsville or fruitland?


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