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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Gov O'Malley: 'It's Going To Be A Great Convention'

Governor O'Malley has hit the ground running as he makes way around the host city for this week's Democratic National Convention.  And for good reason.
He has spent the last two days crisscrossing Charlotte attending meetings, making speeches and doing interviews ahead of Tuesday's start to the once every 4 year gathering of Democrats ahead of the Presidential election. 
It all comes with the territory when you're the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.


  1. If you consider lieing to the American public great.
    If you consider a socialist takeover of America great.
    Yup, great convention, NOT.

  2. It will be great for omalley because he will be surrounded by people who actually believe his lies and there will be no one around to challenge him. He feels like he is in a safe zone for 3 days so of course he thinks it will be great. He can lie his head off with no chance of face to face consequences. He's in all his glory.

  3. 9-4-2012
    This a great story for a plumber to read. They routinely deal with S+#*. OweBama will realize 'Losers Breed Losers' soon enough!

  4. I would like to see Romney win but I really want someone to replace O'malley.He has crushed the economy in this state.


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