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Thursday, September 06, 2012

GOP Freshman Andy Harris Saved 2-Year-Old’s Life

It’s probably among every parent’s worst nightmares: a child stops breathing and time is ticking as first responders are dispatched.
On Aug. 26, Rep. Andy Harris, a freshman Republican from Maryland, was able to assist one of those helpless families, spotting three cars stopped along Route 50 in his home state. Harris didn’t see anyone replacing a flat tire, and there wasn’t any damage to any of the vehicles. But something else caught his eye.
“Before I drove on I saw underneath the car that there was a body lying on the pavement. I saw the flesh – someone without a shirt on,” Harris told ABC News in a phone call Wednesday afternoon. “On the ground was a child, looked to be between 2 and 3 years old, completely pale, limp, not breathing, not responsive.”


  1. Way to go Andy! Awesome!


  2. You don't stop breathing while having a seizure.

    1. Wrong! You can. I did on May 1, 2011. Over medicated on insulin, diabetic seizure/collapse/convulsed, stopped breathing, turned blue. Heart stopped??unknown. Two strangers used mouth to mouth and got me going again.

  3. yup wonder how the demoncrats will protray this republican as a mean person!
    lol, This is why I vote for the man not the party! unfortunately for them, I haven't been able to find a demoncrat worth voting for! abortion euthansia etc all demoncratic wants!
    life=republican ideas!

  4. Divine intervention

  5. "Anonymous said...

    You don't stop breathing while having a seizure.

    September 6, 2012 11:01 AM"

    Oh yes you can. Sudden unexplained respiratory failure or (SUDEP) Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy can occur in cases of children with a history of seizures. Alot of children do stop breathing during seizures and their O2 saturations drop. It can take a full minute or more to get them breathing again. That is why it is sometimes recommended that an oxygen concentrator is keep on hand for children with seizures.

  6. A good samaritan. Interesting that in the story, both members are Republican.....guess they have not kicked God out their lives or platform.
    These days to stop for a stranded vehicle, requires a little extra courage than that of the average person.

  7. 11:01, you don't know what you're talking about. A local child I know died that way.

  8. 12:21...I know...and that was very sad.

    Good job, Congressman Harris. This isn't about politics. It's about being human. That little boy is lucky because someone who generally knows CPR but doesn't know how to do things on children can sometimes do damage even if they bring them back.

    Glad to hear the child will be okay. A happy ending.


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