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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Fox News‘ Chris Wallace Reacts to First Lady’s Speech: ‘It Was All About Government’

While Fox News political analyst Chris Wallace called first lady Michelle Obama’s address to the Democratic National Convention “masterful” and heartfelt, he said he was struck by the fact that nearly all of her speech was about about the importance of government in the lives of Americans.

“I’ve got to say, listening closely to the speech one of the things that struck me was it was all about government,” Wallace said Tuesday night during Fox News’ coverage of the DNC. “When she talked at the beginning about the people who exemplify the best of the American spirit, she talked about teachers and first responders and the military, all very admirable professions, but all government.”

He continued: “When she talked about ways to build the middle class, it was all about the auto bailout and student loans and health care reform, once again, all government programs…That was a subtle subtext to the entire speech.”



  1. Her shallowness was obvious.
    The desperation in her voice was telling.
    The lies showed her lack of character.
    Marxist Democrats. ugh...

  2. 7:23pm,
    If I could use vulgar language about your statement, I would. Fortunately for you, I can't. I will say this, she spoke the truth. She spoke with respect and dignity in a way that the world is still talking about today. She was humble with a spice of integrity. She spoke extremely. She blow the roof off that building. I am pride to be an American and was moved by Mrs. Obama speech. And, you must had awaken from a nighmare to describe her speech in that manner. Get a real life.

  3. She spoke the truth 8:01?
    I start with her "humble beginnings." Michelle Robinson attended elite schools her entire life as did Barack Obama who attended a top notch prep school in Hawaii. The first condo they bought in 1993 cost close to $300,000 alot of money in 1993. Several years later they purchased a 1.6 million dollar home.
    She lied through her teeth about her background last night. She and Barark were both born into a live of priviledge.
    Then she went on to tell more mistruths. You know, how Barack doesn't care if someone is a democrat or a republican he listens to all. That is completeley untrue and the proof is online. For years the republicans have wanted to meet with him to discuss ideas about the jobs bill, healthcare etc and he has consistantly refused. Her whole speech last night was built on deception, something the Obama's excel at. If you think this woman has integrity than you do not know what the word means.

  4. 8:01 Obviously you have been deceived. Hook line and sinker...
    Check the facts for yourself.
    They couldn't cover up and seal everything.
    She re-wrote their entire history.
    Furniture from dumpsters? Really?
    In Hyde Park?
    Pandering to poor indigent idiots.
    We feel your pain B.S.
    She even made light of Barak's need for student aid but forgot to mention it was FOREIGN student aid.

  5. She also attempted to credit Obama with the phrases "the world as it is and the world as it should be" and "All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do" when in fact those are the words of Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals.
    I can't believe this woman thinks we are so stupid. Her whole speech last night was built on deception from the foundation on up.

  6. I did awaken from a nightmare. The nightmare of the Obama Regime.

  7. 8:01 She was lying to you....yes you. Playing you for a fool. Deceiving you. Knowing you are too star struck and lazy to research their background. Knowing that you will take her telepromter fed speech and eat every single word and not question it at all....

  8. She forgot to tell about why she had to give up her license to practice law.

  9. Krauthammer said it was a great speech, but he wasn't buying any of it.

  10. She is a socialist just like her husband.When she speaks about how government can take care of you call it what it is.The constitution says limited government, not take care of all.

  11. She stood up there and bold faced lied in an attempt to reinvent the Obamas. 4 years ago all they talked about was how great their lives were due to advances in social justices. They talked about how they both were able to attend elite schools their whole lives. I specifically remember him talking about his family taking month long vacations at national parks, and his trips to Indonisia and India and other far off places. Now all of a sudden his prized possesion is a table he found in a dumpster.
    How come we have never ever heard that story before or the silly notion that he wore shoes too small because that's all he could afford?

  12. Just because YOU didn't believe it, doesn't make it a lie.

    Provide some facts.

  13. 8:31
    Just because you do believe it doesn't make it true.
    Provide some facts.
    See how easy that was and how stupid it sounds.


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