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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Filmmaker Sam Bacile In Hiding After Anti-Muslim Film Sparks Violence In Which American Diplomat Was Killed

An Israeli filmmaker based in California went into hiding Tuesday after his movie attacking Islam's Prophet Muhammad sparked angry assaults by ultra-conservative Muslims on U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya, where a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed.
Speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, writer and director Sam Bacile remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that the 56-year-old intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.
Protesters angered over Bacile's film opened fire on and burned down the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others on Tuesday. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner.


  1. Publishers should be made to adhere to a censorship board.This book would never have been published if the appropriate scrutiny had been applied.He may be protected under the constitution,but when innocent people are slaughtered because of his book, enough is enough.The world is in far too much turmoil to add gas to the fire.

  2. The whole premise of this article is backwards seemingly condoning murder because of a year old low budget "C" movie.
    The culprit here is barbaric Islam.
    Our Ambassador was suffocated and dragged through the streets. He had nothing to do with any movie.
    Islam must pay.

    Nuke Iran!

    1. U blame the religion! U r an ignorant

  3. this is the religion of peace that we hear so much about. thanks sjd

  4. Hordes of Muslims kill Americans for no reason whatsoever and you call a lowly film maker a coward?

    Grow a spine and sign your name 11:06

  5. @ 10:49 Uh oh, here come the thought police. Whats next, are we going to ban all media because someone somewhere is offended?

  6. This man is hiding after causing turmoil for no reason other than to spend $5M on foolishness. He IS a coward. Throw him to the dogs in Libya.

  7. Well I was VERY offended when Obama wanted to take God and the pledge out of the convention. Its ok that he did it but when we offend the Islam they can kill innocent people and burn our flag.
    YES I am offended!
    Maybe Obama can go hide (in some muslin country)

  8. Ultra conservative huh? Wow the media sure can spin this crap. I would say murdering a bunch of people is anything but conservative

  9. So, does this mean American-born Arabs can now fund a 5-mill film depicting the sleaziness, manipulation, racism/stereotyping and bloodlust of Jew/Israeli Hollywood media, with full support of our 'outraged pundits'?
    No, murder is unjustifiable in any circumstances, especially this one. But maybe we should stop planting leaders in Libya - sometimes the people bite back. How would you feel if a deceitful foreign entity took command of your country? Sound familiar?
    This inept and inflammatory cinema masterpiece (with the worst green screen I've ever seen) is going to lead the US into more murder in the middle east?
    Now that's convenient. This is exactly what Israel and this sick pig who made this film would love to occur.
    Please wake up...we are being manipulated...

  10. 10:59 & 11:25 are either muslim or are part of the brainwashed and non-thinking American public that doesn't know that here, in the USA, we value FREE SPEECH so much, it's codified in the very document that establishes our system of government. Its there to protect us from people like 10:59 & 11:25, who think nothing can be said that THEY think is offensive. Good thing Frederick Douglas didn't have to clear his work with THEM. Not a word form 10:59 and 11:25 about the MURDER of innocent people, the act of war (thats what it IS) committed against us, or the barbaric religion that says its okay to kill and destroy in the name of some whack god that they say condones murder. And then our own government keeps saying "its a small number" of radical muslims. LOL!! Is that same "small group" traveling around the globe to show up at every murder, bombing, kidnapping, and maiming in order to chant slogans, burn flags, and praise allah? it seems everywhere these cowards kill, there is a crowd of hundreds, often thousands (a 'small group' of thousands, that is..) screaming their support for murder and mayhem. Their "prophet" condoned and promoted sex with 11 and 12 year old girls and they get mad when someone points it out. I get mad when AMERICANS kiss their ace and apologize for the truth.

  11. 11:59
    Their "prophet" married a 3 yr old child and consummated the marriage when she was 6. Muslims are allowed to have 4 wives yet Mohammed had 11.

    Maybe the Christians and Jews should start killing when they are offended. Every time they take a cross down somewhere we should kill if we are offended. How about when people say "Happy Holidays" can we kill for that also?
    There is a difference. A religion will tell you NOT to kill in it's honor. A cult will have you kill in it's honor. See the difference?
    I'm sick of these heathens dictating what we can and can't do

  12. Screw the kuran and the muslim religion!

  13. Correction 12:32
    The Muslim CULT of murder.

  14. "He may be protected under the constitution..." but in the same comment, "Publishers should be made to adhere to a censorship board." What's wrong with THIS picture??
    Will the censorship board consist of political appointees of the administration du jour? Will each state have its own PC board? Each city? Will PETA get a seat on the board? How about the Black Panthers?
    Wrong country for that kinda crap!

  15. What a coward. You got the b@lls to make it until it gets somebody killed and THEN you get to scared to stand by it? Coward.

  16. Well I feel sorry for those afflicted lost souls, we should send them aid at once!! How dare that zionist point out the obvious..Once again the lost souls have proved the films point. Who's in for getting some aid to these poor souls at once ... I will buy the first pig!!

  17. The so called "innocent peaceful" muslims do not even know the true original roots of their own idoltrous pagan arabic islam religion (a.o. things: moon and star, kaaba, black stone, prayer beads chain). They proclaim peace without love and teach to hate jews while cursing israel, instead of hating sin such as murder while blessing israel. Their hatred has its offspring from evil spirits since the fall of angels and men. Each spiritual mature one of them needs to seek and find salvation for ones own soul to get a clear conscience. All shattered blood because of their religion will be recalled upon them and they will be judged by their own manmade laws.


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