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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Egyptian Cleric: ‘Islam Instructs a Man to Beat His Wife…So That She Will Mend Her Ways’ & Know Her Place

Egyptian cleric Abd Al-Rahman recently went on Al-Nas television to explain that men are “instructed” to beat their wives under Islam as a last resort before divorce, partly to show her that she is beneath her husband.

“A good woman, even if beaten by her husband, puts her hand in his and says: ‘I will not rest until you are pleased with me.’ This is how the Prophet Muhammad taught his women to be,” Al-Rahman said on the television in a segment aired in August, according to a translation provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Islam instructs a man to beat his wife as a last resort before divorce, so that she will mend her ways, treat him with kindness and respect, and know that her husband has a higher status than her,” he said.



  1. Gee thanks obama for encouraging and supporting the overthrow of Murbarak and helping these nuts gain power.
    May God Bless the Egyptian people.

  2. and? that is their culture and personally, i agree with them. everything was fine until we gave women more power.

  3. My goodness people , I don't want my hubbie to beat me. It's ok to slap me around a bit , but beating is out of the question.
    I will make him a samich and bring him a beer. I'll wash his clothes and make his meals.
    I can never do too much for mt sweetie, but don't beat me , I would hurt him in the privates.

  4. 4pm and you're a nut, just like they are.


  5. I have found my new religon!

  6. Yes, this is what the koran instructs. In islam a woman is worthless.

  7. I know lawful wife beating sounds good in theory.....NO, it doesn't! It sounds like an idea conceived of the Devil and born in Hell! A just God cannot be happy with religions committing atrocities in his name. That goes for all religions who commit atrocities in the name of God. If one really believes in a just God, does that person really want to stand before that God after death, and say "bless me lord for I have murdered, stolen, enslaved and done all manner of unconscionable things in your name because I thought you would approve?" I think not. People in power use the name of God to justify and attain their unjust goals. I say if it's ok for
    Muslims to beat their wives, it's ok for their wives to pack a derringer for such occasions!!!

  8. Out of all the messes Obama has created this one angers me the most. He did encourage and support the overthrow of Murbarak who was a moderate Arab leader. "Islamic law" has little place in Murbarak's government. Now Obama has created a hell for woman in Egypt.
    What I can not believe is that Michelle Obama who herself has 2 daughters stands behind such a stupid stupid man. There heads need to forever hang in shame for what they have done to the woman of Egypt.

  9. Islam is a cult. Period, end of story.
    They should be treated as such.

  10. Their most holy man, the "prophet" mohammed, said it was ok to beat women? And obama calls them the religion of peace? Worse, the National Organization of Women won't say a word. Our Secretary of State, a woman, is completely silent. Some beacon of freedom we have become lately, huh? This so-called "religion" burns women alive, kills them for going outside withoput a male family member, buries people up to their necks then makes a sport of throwing rocks at their head until they die, and doesn't want women to learn how to read or go to school. And we are told by obama and other delusuional pansy-ass and blind liberals that they are "peaceful" and just like us. BOTH lies. Their God is a fake, their "prophet" was a pedophile, and now we can see how wildly misogynist they are, too.

  11. They are now wondering why Americans are so anti Islam! Gee, IDK!

  12. this 'moron' apparently knows more about this than you. look up the origin of the christian phrase "the rule of thumb"


  13. Perhaps in this case, 10:36, it may be better to be a bigot than a blindly idiotic pansy ass. You compare a PHRASE to the murder and beating of women, done in the name of some fake god and done daily in their "culture"? You seem intent on proving how unbaised you are, even at the expense of the truth and reality.


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