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Sunday, September 30, 2012

DUI Checkpoints Set For NASCAR Weekend

Nineteen (19) people were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs Friday night (Sept. 21st) during the 13th week of the 2012 Checkpoint Strikeforce DUI prevention campaign. 



  1. My father, a decorated Marine, often told me that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". The fact that some drivers were taken off the road is the result of good intentions, but the method being used will take us all straight to hell. QUIT CHEERING as thousands of INNOCENT American citizens, supposedly (!) free from unreasonable searches (4th Amendment), are stopped BY FORCE and checked to see IF they are committing a crime. Notice the police DON'T publish the number of citizens they forced to submit to their search anymore. Why? Because it sure starts to look like a police state when they have to admit they stopped THOUSANDS of INNOCENT citizens (by ARMED agents of the government) in order to sift out a few criminals. The same reason they trumpet how many cops are killed each year, but don't DARE tell us how many of US they killed. THAT would also look a hellava lot like Stalinist Russia. Want to surrender YOUR rights (since you don't care about them anyway)? GREAT! MOVE your sorry, Nazi-method loving feet-shuffling, submissive and non-thinking self to a country where you would be much more comfortable. Perhaps China. You'd be very safe. From the rest of us who can't hardly wait to take care of people like you.

  2. Better they be out looking for drunks then sitting around eating doughnuts all day.

  3. I wish they'd to even more sobriety checkpoints to get the drunk losers off the road so my family and I can be safer!
    If you're not intoxicated, then you have nothing to worry about!
    If you are, then I hope you get caught, BEFORE you kill or mame someone!


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