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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Doing It Right The First Time


  1. Exactly 9:55, selective memory is rampant on this blog.

  2. Typical liberal strategy. Off topic peripheral argument.
    Beirut happened in 83', before the Pan Am bombing by Libyan muslim terrorists.

  3. Didn't Obama topple Gaddafi and have him removed from power. Isn't that worse then blowing up his house.

  4. 10:57,
    So . . . because Beirut happened in '83, it explains why Reagan did NOTHING after hundreds of Marines were blown up? Right.

  5. 1:03 guess they missed the long hit list US forces have racked up under Obama's watch too. But I forgot, this is the same crowd that believes Paul Ryan when he makes dum dum statments like (paraphrase) "our enemies attack us when we project weakness, not when we are strong". As if 9/11, the pan am bombing, beirut, attacks in Iraq, Taliban in Afghan. didn't occur when we had all those GOP tough guys in office.

  6. 1:41, 1:03, 1:43 Look you guys must be colleged educated idiots..So they are teaching reverse history now..An old commie trick. I was off the coast of beriut in 83 and reagan did respond.. I was on a ship watching the back of the batteleship bombing lebonon and hitting the locations of those who hit the barracks..So dont give me this OBAMA did this crap he as as useless as CArter was. whonm was weak and alibtard like you guys

  7. 5:04, this is 1:43. Your statement has absolutely 0 bearing on what I commented. You cheer Reagan's moves, but choose to disregard the current military successes. I see you conveniently have nothing to dispute the fallacy of the Ryan statement.


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