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Monday, September 10, 2012

Does Racial Bias Fuel Obama foes? How to tell?

Is it because he's black?

The question of whether race fuels opposition to President Barack Obama has become one of the most divisive topics of the election. It is sowing anger and frustration among conservatives who are labeled racist simply for opposing Obama's policies and liberals who see no other explanation for such deep dislike of the president.

It is an accusation almost impossible to prove, yet it remains inseparable from the African-American experience. The idea, which seemed to die in 2008 when Obama became the first black president, is now rearing its head from college campuses to cable TV as the Democratic incumbent faces Mitt Romney, the white Republican challenger.



  1. It's the Obama Administration alone that is bringing up the race card, the poverty card, the union card, the hispanic card, on and on ad nauseum. Divide and conquer is the plan. Don't get on the bus with that!

  2. Obviously it is racial bias and blatant stupidity.

    Facts like Obama running the country into the ground are unimportant and irrelevant to the mob that supports him.
    Incompetence does not matter.
    Skin color does.

  3. There is no doubt that racial bias fuels a lot of his supporters. And they call us the racists.

  4. Race is not the issue in this election unless you are black. What I have found to be true is that the black people are more racist than anyone else. They are the first to say, in any situation, it's (whatever 'it' is) because I'm black; when no one has made any implication that that is the reason for whatever has taken place. I am not taking about all people of color, just the ones with the thought that they are owed something because the Democrats have kept them enslaved in poverty, low education desires, food stamps, section 8 housing, and such. Martin Luther King, a republican, had a desire to see ALL people equal, to be gainfully employed and WORK for their own betterment. Isn't that what most people want?

  5. listen to obama and his supporters for just a few minutes and you'll see where the HATE and racial bias is really coming from...


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