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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do America’s Corporations Care How Much American Workers Earn?

There is little disagreement that consumer spending is a critical driver of American economic growth. The recession that began in 2007, while precipitated by the meltdown in the financial sector, is at root a crisis of aggregate demand. The halting recovery has been punctuated by disappointing monthly job reports and—just as important—by gloomy predictions from the Conference Board’s monthly survey of consumer confidence. Even business surveys admit (here and here) that anemic consumer demand (not “job-killing regulations”) is holding back new job creation and economic recovery.

Yet, despite worries about sagging consumer confidence and shrinking paychecks, business leaders seem unconcerned about the declining standard of living of middle-class America, or about the growing number of American families slipping into poverty. Over the last generation, wages for middle-class workers haven’t budged, while compensation for corporate executives and owners is reaching stratospheric levels. Middle-class Americans are having a harder and harder time making ends meet. Most have little savings to take them through a bad patch. They are saddled with skyrocketing health care and education costs. They are underwater on their mortgages. Indeed, borrowing (on credit cards beginning in the 1980s, on home equity in more recent years) is often the last-best option to cling to a higher standard of living. Worse yet, most jobs created today don’t bring workers into the middle class. Nearly three-quarters of the jobs added during the recovery are in lower-wage occupations, like cashiers, stocking clerks, or food preparation workers.



  1. They don't care at all. As long as they keep get richer they will be happy to just let middle class Americans fall. Soon we will be a nation of the very rich and the tragically poor. Don't know why more people can't see this coming.

  2. Of course American corporations care how much workers make. If they pay American workers enough to provide a decent life for their families, THEY CARE enough to ship those jobs overseas.

    The rich getting richer at the expense of the American workforce is the greatest threat to our way of life. If we stand together, no foreign power can defeat us. But if the rich disenfranchise 90 percent of the population continue to better their lifestyle by lowering it for the rest of us, we have a big problem.

    In the 1990's, I asked an executive at the Huge corporation where I was employed a question that speaks to this: We were just getting into NAFTA, while our company was cutting wages and benefits. I asked him, "Do you really want a workforce that can't afford a new car and a decent standard of living for their families. With the cold stare of the serpent that corporate leaders most certainly are, he replied, "we don't care if the workforce is barefoot. We only answer to the stock holders and we will do whatever is necessary to return them a profit. I then questioned the Humongous compensation he and his upper management friends received. He just smiled, (a (Fu#* you smile), and walked away.

  3. you really don't get it. large corps. aren't the bulk or majority of american jobs. the small businesses are where the jobs are (were) and this is where ingenuity and much better wages are earned and lived out. obama has just about gutted this segment of our country so we can all aspire to be middle class and be equal. well this is the point i want to cuss in this comment but can't.

    we used to aspire to be great, to be better, to work hard and move up no matter what we were doing. i don't remember anyone aspiring to be middle class or be equal. we weren't meant to be equal. do you get what i'm saying yet? if you don't you are an idiot and are part of the problem, not the solution. i want to get back to where we were as a nation and get rewarded for hard work and perseverance, not wanting to be equal to everyone else. we are individuals with talents and gifts to use and give to others. act like it and quit whining about your lot in life dumb dumbs...

  4. 9-12-12

    Why certainly they do. Who on Earth would belive a Question such as that would be even asked?
    Case in point... If you have ever had a disagreement with your supervisor, it in finality ultimatly comes back to, "I'm the Boss( Translated..I make more money than you) so do as I say"! The lower you are on the food chain (Lower paid labor) the less input you deserve according to the status quo!
    Don't ever think the salary they pay you isn't tempered to the amount of respect and/or authority you garner as an employee!
    I can't believe in this day and time I'm having to dramatize the hierarchy to a blue collar middle class citizen.
    If you think they don't care, get sick and see if they don't UNLOAD you "valued employee".


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