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Monday, September 03, 2012

Detroit Police Too Busy To Arrest Man in Killings

DETROIT — A man suspected of fatally shooting two men and seriously wounding two others had to turn himself in twice before Detroit police would arrest him, authorities said.

Detroit police said the 36-year-old man got into an argument at a party on Saturday, retrieved a gun and opened fire. Four people were shot, and two died. The man turned himself in at a fire station about two hours later, and fire officials called police, but no officers turned up.

Police said in a statement that “due to area patrol units being busy handling high priority runs, no units were dispatched to the location.”



  1. if they arrested every criminal in detroit the city would be empty

  2. "high priority runs"? Translation --- protecting the mayor, protecting the city council, protecting the judges, and making sure rich white people's gated communities are safe from black people. And to make a little extra cash on the side, the OTHER "high priority" police runs are protecting drug shipments from rival gangbangers, executing rival gang members, and covering each other's crimes with falsified and fraudulent police reports. Even the murderers WITHOUT a badge are walking....who thinks its going to get BETTER? Buy guns and ammo. Lots of ammo. Lots and lots of ammo.


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