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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Cop Claims He Was Only Issuing Tickets To Dead People To Keep Up With Nonexistent Quotas

As my grandma used to say, honesty is the best policy. But you know what else is a pretty good policy? Giving traffic tickets only to people who are actually alive. The cop fired by the New York Police Department says he was issuing summonses to deceased people, but only because he had to fill monthly quotas the NYPD says don't exist.

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  1. Police departments have ticket quotas? nah this kind of thing never happens. must be a fairy tale!

  2. They don't have quotas, they have "standards" , which are basically quotas.

  3. tomato tamoto. same thing. if a cop is required to maintain a certain number of citations, THAT is a quota.

  4. Integrity = 00

    corruption = 01


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