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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Controversial Bid Over Official Language Sparks Debate

The sign says ‘Welcome to Carroll County’, but there’s a good chance you may not ‘feel right at home’, if you don’t speak English. 

"A friend of mine went to McDonald's yesterday and tried to order food and the lady was Spanish-speaking and totally messed up the whole order and didn't understand what she was saying," said Amy Baker of Manchester. 

"I think everybody should learn it," added Jason Sandoval of Finksburg, "You're here.  You might as well learn it, right?" 

At the county seat in Westminster, you'll find bilingual postings from the state in both English and Spanish, but if one Carroll county commissioner gets his way, the could would conduct all of its official business in English. 



  1. It makes me sick that you have to make English the official language when we are in the USA. If all these immigrants want to be here, then learn the language. They have no problem at all learning how to get everything they can get when they arrive - so learn the language or go home, period.

  2. Hey Joe, This isn't really a comment about the "official language" article, but instead a request for another article, one about how much WBOC and CBS SUCK! Last night they put on a video article about Romney and Obama stumping in Ohio. The article featured an interview with an obvious obama supporter reciting a list of made-up bullcrap reasons why Romney wasn't a good choice for president. the MSM is now providing obama with free advertising and calling it news!!!

  3. I am all for anyone that is in this country long term should learn and speak English in public settings. If they are visiting, fine, just make sure someone is with you in public to speak on your behalf. If I move to France for the long term I would be working on French before I left the US and I would certainly work hard to learn French as quickly as possible. They say the best way to learn it is to just jump right in!


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