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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Complaint Filed Against Baltimore County Judge

A Baltimore County judge is in hot water because of the way he treated a woman in a domestic violence case.

As I-Team lead investigative reporter Jayne Miller reports it is really double trouble because of what the same judge did several years ago.

Judge Bruce Lamdin sat in Baltimore County district until last week when he was removed from the bench pending review of his handling of a case that left a woman in tears and begging for help.



  1. sounds to me like the judge was pretty spot on, but look out here come the femma nazis! Actually feel sorry for the Judge having to deal with these idiots!

  2. Sounds like a good judge.

  3. Liberals like Obama and Ireton think that judges should be super social workers.

  4. Maybe they should look at Judge Davis here in Wicomico County, whom I have seen humiliate citizens for no other reason than to satisfy his pompous and arrogant Public Master status. Even judges must be reminded that they also SERVE the people. Like cops, senators, city council members, mayors, etc., they begin to believe they are above the law, above decency, above accountability, and above the status of "regular citizen".


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