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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coach Nettles Found Innocent

I just received an anonymous call telling me Coach Nettles was found innocent in Court today.

I stated back in my eartlier Post on this matter: "In my almost 50 years of life I have seen MANY Teachers charged and very few convicted. It seems easy these days to file charges against a Teacher and quite frankly I feel its important to let these things go to court, (if it ever goes that far) and report the outcome".


  1. I feel sorry for the victim. Apparently it helps to know people. He's a dirt ball and he'll pay for his consequences someday!!! Too bad it's not sooner than later with him rotting away in jail!!!!

  2. Thanks for posting this joe... We all know wboc's and wmdt won't... And the Daily Times (who found him guilty from the beginning) will never post it.

  3. Way to go jury. What a group of twelve idiots.

  4. It's extremely hard to convict someone over a decade after the alleged incident. If it did happen, it should have been reported at the time. Evidence may have been collected then, if there was any at all.

  5. My apologies......I didn't look at the time frame as to when this posted. So credit goes to Joe, not the Daily Times!!!! Guess I need to start looking closer.

  6. There have been numerous Wi-Hi coaches convicted. As a matter of fact Joe name one teacher or coach in this county thta was found not guilty.

    The closet people in this communinty support him. I think there is plenty more to come with Mr. Nettles.

    If he is found not guilty then it should be forgotten about and move on. If he is found guilty keep him the freak away from our kids.

    Why is this dude not married ?????

    He loves kids so why no women with this dude ever ?? Wake up idiots.

  7. Ain't over just yet! Hopefully these 12 aren't so naive.

  8. You people don't have a clue what you're talking about, I was in court yesterday and the supposed victim is not a victim. No tears couldn't remember anything just in it to try and get a pay day like the penn state kids. This supposedly happened 15 years ago, he was found not guilty and the only ones who need to get karma is you people with your awful comments. A mans life is over due to this he will always be known as that man, and yet was still found NOT GUILTY, I hope karama gets all of you.

  9. 1125,

    Funny, I was in court too. I seemed to think he remembered ALOT. Nettles is guilty, the 12 idiots in the jury just didn't wanna see it. His time will come.

  10. LOOK, the man was found innocent, PERIOD. While you may not like the outcome, 12 jurors found him innocent, therefore you need to get over it.

  11. What did he allegedly do?

  12. He was only found innocent on this charge. The other charges were the serious ones. He goes to trial at the end of October. That is why they separated the two because his lawyers knew they could get him off on that charge. It all comes out in October.


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