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Friday, September 07, 2012

Caption This Political Democrat National Convention Picture

Laura and Jimmie in the nosebleed seats.


  1. Why do you always have to be so snarky. They are Democrats and likely happy and honored to be at the convention. You sound jealous. Didn't see you at the Republican Convention.

  2. Jimboy wishes he had a hat like that

  3. anonymous 9:13, One reason I'm in the position I am in financially is because I KNOW how to spend good money after good money.

    I find it absolutely AMAZING how the poorest, (Miotchell and Ireton) can somehow come up with the funding to afford to go to stupid conventions like this. And yes, the Republican Convention as well.

    If Obama and Romney want to see what kind of support they REALLY have they'll see it at the polls.

    While I'm on this topic, what's up with the stupid hat Laura is wearing. LOOK AT MEEEE! I'll give her this, she made front page news on Salisbury News, that's for sure.

  4. Two things both of these people have in common? They love to spend your monies not theirs

  5. I just spit up my coffee.

  6. No one worked harder for Obama in Salisbury than Shanie. It seems wrong that Jim and Laura are there with big smiles on their faces and Shanie is at home. Wrong just wrong.

  7. My Caption is: This sure does beat teaching school Laura, and running the City and just look at you there, avoiding your council duties! We are good democrats indeed!

  8. Our tax dollars hard at work.

  9. Hey Laura, I just got a text message saying they found the two million dollars. We better return that hat.

  10. Awe isn't that cute, Laura has a dimple in her elbow.

  11. this really is so frustrating. We have no money but yet they can spend our money on this convention. really grrrr.

  12. We are so hung over, just smile for a second. What was in that kool aid last night!

  13. You could not have paid me enough to sit there even for one hour. I tried to watch on television thinking that maybe just maybe I could relate to one thing on the democratic platform and all I saw was a woman (fluke) who is famous for being promiscuous and wants tax payers to fund her birth control. She was followed by the fake Cherokee Warren who fronted the Perv-in Chief Clinton.
    Then you had 1/2 the participants ticked off about the re-adding of God and Jerusalem in the platform. I am by no means religious and only step foot in a church for weddings and funerals but I am well aware that this country was founded on Judeo Christian values which I respect and it's not anyone's place to attempt to alter history.
    I feel sorry for the middle of the road democrats because this convention did more harm than good for them.

  14. Is Laura wearing a Daily Times press pass around her neck.

  15. Albero, you sir, are a coward.

  16. Please tell me what this does for Salisbury.

  17. anonymous 9:38, would you like to elaborate. How am I a coward?

  18. Is this a gay marriage rally?

  19. I hate it when people wear these kind of hats. Notice how they are standing in the row behind Mrs. Mitchell.

  20. Laura saying: Well Jim, at least my husband knows as long as I am with you I am not cheating on him.

  21. You sit behind this platform and provoke needless ridicule against anyone and everyone who does'nt agree with your agenda. You have been doing this for approx. 8 years now. Your blatant sarcasm and arrogance is quite sickening. You are in part is what is wrong with America today. Do you have ANY integrity at all? If not, maybe you should find some. By the way I will be voting for Romney.

  22. The whole theme of the convention was big government and what the government should and must be doing for people so the convention took quite a bizarre twist when they dragged out Caroline Kennedy~~~you know the daughter of the president who so eloquently stated:
    "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

  23. anonymous 9:58, YET you still come here every single day, go figure.

    Not only do I sit here 365 days a year publishing information you may or may not agree with, I'm also stepping up to the plate to run for Mayor, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Besides hiding behind an anonymous name.

    So let me get this straight. Because I express my First Amendment Right, I am what's wrong with America, eh? Well, you have every right NOT to come here, yet you don't.

    By the way, I love how you democrats always end with the old, I'll be voting for Romney crap at the end of your message, as if it adds more power to your bs message.

    Remember when we stated we had a record day two days ago. Well, guess what, we blew those numbers away yesterday by more than 2,000 additional hits above and beyond the previous record day. NO ONE on the Eastern Shore can touch our hits per day, NO ONE.

    I doubt very seriously we'll miss your traffic. By the way, I'll be voting for Joe Albero in this upcoming election, seriously.

  24. I want to know, just how did this improve anything in Salisbury by them attending this conference?

  25. Thats telling him Joe.

  26. ok, i'm jealous. laura is wearing my dress.

  27. As has been posted and commented on this blog over and over again, these two want to go for higher office. Salisbury and a non-spend-and-tax agenda are of no concern to them, even though they both posture at every opportunity.

  28. how about Dumb, Dumber & Dumberer?

  29. Jimmie has the daily times and robinsons paper and Joe has salisbury news. Sounds to me like someone else is jealous.

  30. I want to know, just how did this improve anything in Salisbury by them attending this conference?

    September 7, 2012 10:09 AM

    They were not IN Salisbury. Isn't that an improvement?

  31. Another bizarre twist was when former Congresswoman Giffords was reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with none other than Wasserman Schultz by her side. Wasserman Schultz only belives in libery and justice for all when it suits her and she's been known to tell a lie or 2 or 3 or 4........to get her way.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Is this a gay marriage rally?

    September 7, 2012 9:42 AM

    Yes and also an anti-God and anti-Republican rally.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Albero, you sir, are a coward.

    September 7, 2012 9:38 AM

    I noticed the Douche Bag didn't sign their name.

  34. Anonymous said...
    You sit behind this platform and provoke needless ridicule against anyone and everyone who does'nt agree with your agenda. You have been doing this for approx. 8 years now. Your blatant sarcasm and arrogance is quite sickening. You are in part is what is wrong with America today. Do you have ANY integrity at all? If not, maybe you should find some. By the way I will be voting for Romney.

    September 7, 2012 9:58 AM

    I am absolutely convinced the author of this post is a Democrat. Nice Romney diversion there.

  35. How they can afford to attend the convention is none of our business. Maybe they saved for it, maybe they had the money already, maybe they charged it. Their financial status does not determine if they are good people or not. I do not like Ireton, but his personal affairs is none of my concern. The fact that I don't agree with his ways is personal to me.As to how he runs the city..I am not in city limits and have no right to comment.

  36. I find it unbelievably that the tax payers have to pay for this kind of stuff. If they want to go, they should pay their own way.

  37. 10:57AM - have you ever heard anyone say they used their own money to go to this thing? It is very much our business if they used taxpayers money to attend.

  38. It's very important to know how their trip was financed. It comes with the territory of being an elected official.
    Did they somehow twist this into something that concerns the city and city business, thereby it was funded by tax payers? I don't know, but we are entitled to know.
    This is something that should be either paid out of their own pockets or underwritten by the local democratic clubs.

  39. Ron Paul sent an email asking for donations for help defray delegate's costs. Perhaps the democrats have something similar?

  40. 11:00, how do you know they didn't? I am a democrat and I would have voted for Romney had he not picked Ryan to run with him. I support women's rights too much to support that guy. If you readers of this blog don't know by now why most don't sign their name, then you haven't been on here too long. We remember what happened when Joe experimented with making signing your comment a requirement. No one commented at all. People are more concerned about their privacy and their family's privacy. We have all seen what happens when someone has the audacity to disagree with the great one. Let the attacks begin.

  41. I believe it would benefit viewers of your site to read how delegates are selected to attend the Democrat and the Republican Conventions. If one voted in the primary election on 4/3/12 than they had chance to elect the GOP or Dem delegates to represent us, the voters, at the National Conventions. There were 40 Republicans and 7 Democrats on the ballot for delegate or alternate for our District, which is District 1. We had the option of voting for three from the political party for which you are registered.

    Google (or whatever search engine you use) anything you wish to know about these conventions and get an answer - such as when I googled "Who pays the Delegates expenses" I found
    "Individual delegates are responsible for paying their own expenses as delegate."

    I am a Republican who sees no need for the gibberish and trashing I read on here. We each have our own political beliefs and I do not like to be condemned for what I truly believe SO I will not trash others for different believes in their political thinking. Being older than dirt I have found it highly unlikely to change a persons opinion where politics is concerned. Have respect and agree to disagree. Makes for harmony.

    Too bad there are no photos of our Republican delegates at the GOP Convention for your Democrat readers to dis. Such is life

  42. @11:43
    if you were really going to vote for Romney until he chose Ryan as his running mate, you weren't really going to vote for Romney in the 1st place. don't lie!

  43. Joe

    When the hell are you going to file to run for mayor???

  44. She reminds me of the kooky aunt that always shows up for free meals on holidays. That hat is perfect for her. How many cats does she have?

  45. Wanna bet they voted against God untile the Emperor Obama told them to switch.

  46. Anonymous said...
    How they can afford to attend the convention is none of our business. Maybe they saved for it, maybe they had the money already, maybe they charged it. Their financial status does not determine if they are good people or not. I do not like Ireton, but his personal affairs is none of my concern. The fact that I don't agree with his ways is personal to me.As to how he runs the city..I am not in city limits and have no right to comment.

    September 7, 2012 10:57 AM

    Funny how he says he doesn't like Ireton. Another diversion from another democrat. Also funny how you democrats think Romneys taxes and financial status is your business.

  47. Anonymous said...
    11:00, how do you know they didn't? I am a democrat and I would have voted for Romney had he not picked Ryan to run with him. I support women's rights too much to support that guy. If you readers of this blog don't know by now why most don't sign their name, then you haven't been on here too long. We remember what happened when Joe experimented with making signing your comment a requirement. No one commented at all. People are more concerned about their privacy and their family's privacy. We have all seen what happens when someone has the audacity to disagree with the great one. Let the attacks begin.

    September 7, 2012 11:43 AM

    Another Romney diversion. You would have voted for Romney if it wasn't for Ryan. You are an idiot if you vote for Obama TWICE for any reason. You deserve to be charged with treason and hung.

  48. Look how chubby Laura is. They must be feeding them well down their on the tax payers dime.

  49. Cheap seats for cheap people who throw cheap shots and decent people.

  50. Blog Cruiser said...
    I believe it would benefit viewers of your site to read how delegates are selected to attend the Democrat and the Republican Conventions. If one voted in the primary election on 4/3/12 than they had chance to elect the GOP or Dem delegates to represent us, the voters, at the National Conventions. There were 40 Republicans and 7 Democrats on the ballot for delegate or alternate for our District, which is District 1. We had the option of voting for three from the political party for which you are registered.

    Google (or whatever search engine you use) anything you wish to know about these conventions and get an answer - such as when I googled "Who pays the Delegates expenses" I found
    "Individual delegates are responsible for paying their own expenses as delegate."

    I am a Republican who sees no need for the gibberish and trashing I read on here. We each have our own political beliefs and I do not like to be condemned for what I truly believe SO I will not trash others for different believes in their political thinking. Being older than dirt I have found it highly unlikely to change a persons opinion where politics is concerned. Have respect and agree to disagree. Makes for harmony.

    Too bad there are no photos of our Republican delegates at the GOP Convention for your Democrat readers to dis. Such is life

    September 7, 2012 12:20 PM

    You are not a Republican, quit lying. If you were a real Republican you would know we were at war with the Democrats and we need to save our country.

    If you are a Republican please tell us your name so we can look it up to see if you are registered!

  51. Dear 2:09

    Ireton is a pompus ass of a liar..I am not a democrat, I am a republican, and I am a female. I do not like him. But..if the city did not pay for this trip, and they paid out of their own personal funds, or gifts from relative, friends, whatever..then it is nobody's business .How do you pay for any trips you choose to go on? Also..none of my business. I must say that you are very presumptuous in determining my sex and my political status just off of me noting that Laura and Jimmie's personal finances are actually...well...PERSONAL! Try not to take up fortune telling

  52. That hat needs to be pulled down about another 8 inches. UG!! Cover up her mouth as well....

  53. Laura looks totaled!

  54. "Laura and Jimmie's personal finances are actually...well...PERSONAL!"

    Well not really-under MD law elected officials finances both business and personal are required to be disclosed.

  55. It looks like the hat was stolen from one og Fergie's girls at the royal wedding. ANd yes, I would hate to be the person sitting behind thoughtless Laura and her hat.

  56. I was at the convention.I kept looking around to see if I knew anyone there,but did not.

  57. Joe, It's funny how the commenter that accused you of being a coward left their identity as "anonymous."
    Also, Jim and Laura really didn't know this was the DNC. They just saw a big Donkey on the side of the stadium and said to each other: "This must be the jackass museum!" and went in for a tour.

  58. Jim: Laura, after this photo op let's hit the gay bars again. You will fit right in with your hat!

  59. Anonymous 2:39

    So being at war and trashing Mayor Ireton and Laura Mitchell will save our country? I think not!

    I did not vote for Obama, I will not vote for Obama. You will have to trust me on that for I wish not to reveal my name at this time.

    In the end the Candidate who wins will have received the majority of the Electoral Votes - not the majority of the people votes. Maryland will be giving it's 10 Electoral votes to Obama. Can you change that? I am too old to fight 'em but I sure as heck ain't joining 'em. Been voting for a Republican President for 60 plus years.

    Do you have a name you can reveal to me Anonymous?

  60. Dear Ms. 2:51 PM their PERSONAL! finances are actually...well.... OUR BUSINESS!

    Financial Disclosure

    The Ethics Law, Article 7, §7-6-101 et. seq., requires all elected officials, candidates for county elective office, managerial level employees, and volunteer members of county boards and commissions to file annual disclosure statements.

    Financial disclosure statements are public documents that may be examined or copied upon request. The Ethics Commission must notify every filer whenever that filer’s statement is examined, and provide the name and address of the person who requested the document.

    Disclosure statements provide one way to guard against conflicts of interest.

  61. 2:39 you should wage your war with the federal reserve and the parasitic military and banking conglomerate running our constitution into the ground. Every president since Kennedy is merely a controlled pawn. Check out "The Obama Deception" on youtube. Republican / Democrat "war" along with racial divides are just used to keep the people divided and not pay attention to the fleecing of our bill of rights and economy. Your rhetoric and beliefs more than likely have you on a watch list now which is waaaayyy more concerning to me than the convention dog and pony show!!!

    Salisbury News/ Drudge Report/ Infowars

    The only "REAL" media I know.

  62. 2:19 you are such a moron. Yes lets hang someone for their political beliefs/opionions. Go live somewhere where freedom does not mean anything. You are a disgrace of an American.

  63. That's one of Jonathan's recycled Grinchy hats!

  64. Two Butts in the sky. If Pollit was with them it would be DUMBO's and JUMBO.

  65. She should look at herself in this picture and never go out in public again

  66. Larry Moe and Curley

  67. More got done in Salisbury this week with not a bit of bad blood. More gets done without their presence. I'm sure the city staff had a nice break, assured of no hissy fits, must have been like a paid vaction for city employees with ireton out-of-town.

    Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dumber

  68. If they were there just to listen, TV would have been a more practical alternative. In any case, What Salisbury taxpayer interests are being represented that necessitated the presence of these people? The answer is that it a political event that should not be paid for with local public funds. Let them do what they want though if Party funds are paying for everything.

  69. Obama gave her a free bowl of soup with that hat.

  70. 10:38

    No such thing as a free lunch or bowl of soup

  71. you paid for that retarded hat those buttons,the key lanyards.

  72. Democrats and Republicans with their big expensive T.V. shows remind me of the MTV awards, so self serving. Just two big commercials for 'more of the same'.

  73. Larry , Curley and Moe

  74. Blog Cruiser said...

    Google (or whatever search engine you use) anything you wish to know about these conventions and get an answer - such as when I googled "Who pays the Delegates expenses" I found "Individual delegates are responsible for paying their own expenses as delegate."

    September 7, 2012 12:20 PM

    Ok, let's say this is the case. First let me point out a few things concerning Laura and her finances:

    1) She is unemployed.
    2) She lives in subsidized housing.
    3) She claims to be a poor CPA student.
    4) Possibly on food stamps since she living in subsidized housing.
    5) Drives a beat up Ford clunker that smokes and reeks of burnt oil.
    6) Husband mysteriously released from local university where he was a professor. ie. no income. Although he was previously employed that made him an illegal tennant in that subsidized housing owned and operated by Rental Management.
    7) She refuses to work, except for Owebama and Owe'Malley.
    8) She can't afford to buy personal hygiene supplies and it's noticeable.
    9) gas is $3.85 per gallon.

    So will you please tell me how this woman can afford to pay for her own expenses as a delagate to the DNC? If she did pay her own way knowing she couldn't afford it then she and her husband are both foolish. No income and wasting what little money she has. And this is the woman you support spending your tax dollars!! Typical of the Democrat play book, spend money you don't have.

  75. Jimmy, be honest. Do I look fat in this hat?

  76. 7:55 AM is right on the money.

  77. boy! i bet jimmy would like to have arms like lauras to flash at renegades dancing to macho man.

  78. I just heard on good authority that Jim took out a title loan on the fire boat to pay for the trip!

  79. Anonymous said...
    2:19 you are such a moron. Yes lets hang someone for their political beliefs/opionions. Go live somewhere where freedom does not mean anything. You are a disgrace of an American.

    September 7, 2012 5:00 PM

    And you have to resort to name calling for that persons post? Voting for and supporting a known fraud such as Barack Hussein Obama is treason. In a real country with real laws and real leaders with nads you people would be hung. It's people like you that disgrace America. YOU are a disgace of American!

  80. 5:36, the irony of your comment is making my head hurt. Your sentiment couldn't be more UN-American if it were coming from Mullah frickin' Omar. YOU are the problem.

  81. You 5:00 are too ignorant for words. You are beyond disgraceful.

  82. Anonymous said...
    5:36, the irony of your comment is making my head hurt. Your sentiment couldn't be more UN-American if it were coming from Mullah frickin' Omar. YOU are the problem.

    September 8, 2012 10:17 PM

    No you liberal moron you and your fellow Obama supporters you are UN-American and your day will come. Why don't you and the rest of your Obama Lovers pack up and move to Kenya with your messiah!


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