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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Canadian Auto Strike Would Quickly Affect U.S.

DETROIT — If Canadian Auto Workers go on strike against Detroit’s three automakers next week, the impact will be felt quickly in the U.S.

Negotiations between the CAW and Chrysler, General Motors and Ford have hit a rough patch with less than a week to go before contracts expire on Monday night. The companies are trying to cut costs and the union is refusing their demands for concessions. On Wednesday, the union told workers to prepare for a strike and said negotiations haven’t been going well.

GM, Chrysler and Ford manufacture popular models at Canadian plants that would soon be in short supply. CAW workers also make key engine parts and other components for U.S.-built cars.



  1. Perfect timming at election time , go on strike and starve.
    Hopefully the Japanese will fill the orders , if not maybe the Koreans.

  2. I guess the 60 billion dollar bailout didn't fix the root cause problem


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