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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: US Eye Possible Al Qaeda Link In Ambassador Murder

U.S. officials are investigating whether murder of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three American staffers was part of an Al Qaeda 'coordinated' 9/11 anniversary terror strike.

From Fox News


  1. Oh so Al Qaeda has taken up residence in Libya now. Why should anyone be surprised. Pres Incompetenence was told this over and over. I remember Pres Incompetence talking (what now is apparent was out his butt,) about how without Quadafi Libya was going to be a wonderful peaceful democracy and how high on praise Pres Incompetence was on these revolutionaries.

  2. Good thing Obama backed these killers in overthrowing Gaddafi so that they could kill us.

  3. It's one of those "I told you so" moments for the republican members of Congress who warned Obama over and over this would happen if we allowed the governments of Mubarak and Qadafi to be overthrown.

  4. under obama we act like we're terrified of them. this is worse than carter. America STOP apologizing !! enough is enough. obama and company are wimps. get him and his cohorts out of there.

  5. 3:41 and 4:05, um seems like another not so distant commander in chief was told the same thing would happen in another islamic country. Seems we spent several hundred billion, thousands of lives, and a decade creating a play ground for al queda in said country. How about you clowns sit down and allow this pres. to conduct his strategy, then judge it by the merits once we've had time to see the full results. Lets see how they compare to 10 years, hundreds of billions spent, and thousands dead before you pass judgement.

  6. 359,

    yeah good thing he hasn't listen to so many on the right and used force to usher in another al queda take over in syria

  7. No 6:02 you are wrong. Bush was never told anything of the sort so get your facts straight. The military force against Iraq was passed by Congress which at the time I may add was majority democrat.
    Obama can not be trusted to "sit down" and " conduct his strategy" as is proof by this cluster which is one of many orchestrated by Obama.
    Louis Farrakhan even so prophetically warned Obama about what would happen in Libya if Obama got involved.
    The only clowns involved are Obama and his admin who have the blood of 4 dead Americans on their hands due to their complete and utter ignorance of the Middle East.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    yeah good thing he hasn't listen to so many on the right and used force to usher in another al queda take over in syria

    September 12, 2012 6:04 PM"

    Syria is already controlled by Hezbollah, Hamas, The Palestinaian Islamic Jihad, as well as about a half dozen more known terrorist organizations, some the current Syrian government supports and others they do not. You can not compare what is going on in Syria to either Libya or Egypt both of which were previously moderate Arab countries.

  9. The CIA and British intelligence created al Qaeda in the early 80's to fight soviet expansion. A rogue faction of CIA, british, Israeli, and Pakistani intelligence, backed by international bankers are responsible for 9/11. The CIA is funding al Qaeda in Syria and Libya. Everyone thinks Gaddafi was so evil because of our media. Search YouTube
    " the illuminati exposed by Muammar Gaddafi"

  10. 9;37 makes the most sense of all the other pontificators and armchair generals out there. with all this crap going on someone is pulling the strings of these useful idiots. And its not just this arab 9/11 muslim thing! You gotta look at the whole picture over the last few decades. they have removed god, Destroyed the family unit, sowed discent among the races, the FED?? Off the gold standard, recent wall st robberies 9/11, shredding the constitution, the world is a stage to them and the politicians are the actors who all have lines and come in on cue. $$$$$$$$ and power control everything!!!!! evrybody and every inch of this planet!!!

  11. Just saw that video 9:37, WOW! And our MSM doesn't cover the fact al qaeda is slaughtering black and Christian Libyans.


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