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Thursday, September 13, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Second Ex-SEAL Identified As Consulate Attack Victim

Fox News confirms Tyrone Woods, 41, a former Navy SEAL, was one of four Americans killed -- including US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and ex-SEAL Glen Doherty -- when protesters attacked the US consulate Tuesday in Benghazi, Libya.

From Fox News


  1. I guess the 4th guy was not important enough to mention?

  2. Rulers forced from power under obama's "Arab Spring" include those from the countries of Libya, Egypt, Yeman and Tunisia. All 4 of our embassies are under attack at this moment in these countries by islamic militants. Obama was warned repeatedly that these so called freedom fighters were in fact islamic militants but in the face of these warnings he still saw fit to support the overthrow of those moderate arab leaders.
    There is only 2 conclusions-Obama is a terrorist sympathizer as some have been saying all along or he is incompetent and unsuitable to hold an office in which he is reponsible for the citizens of the US's safety.

  3. Barry is a terrorist sympathizer? His bosses created and funded Al C I A'duh.

    The Mujahadeen was created with Mr. Bin Laden (son of Daddy Bush's family business partner.) They formed a well trained and ruthless fighting machine to protect the CIA's poppy fields. Heroine is the 4th most valuable commodity on the planet.

    It was also Daddy Bush who set up and funded Emanuel Noreiga in Panama to establish the CIA's cocaine import. Where do you think the money comes from for these black operations?

    Everything happens EXACTLY as planned. Come on here, we're talking about the descendants of Kings and Queens! Nothing is left to chance. This is the 21st Century for crying out loud. If you don't realize there is a massive global conspiracy for world population control then you aren't paying attention. Every world actor does EXACTLY as they are scripted to do. It is a big drama, a movie, for our entertainment.

    There will be war. And blood letting. And human sacrifice to the god of evil.

  4. Reagan and Bush would have bombed their asses already. These liberals are ruining our country to appease the muslims.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Barry is a terrorist sympathizer? His bosses created and funded Al C I A'duh.

    The Mujahadeen was created with Mr. Bin Laden (son of Daddy Bush's family business partner.) They formed a well trained and ruthless fighting machine to protect the CIA's poppy fields. Heroine is the 4th most valuable commodity on the planet.

    It was also Daddy Bush who set up and funded Emanuel Noreiga in Panama to establish the CIA's cocaine import. Where do you think the money comes from for these black operations?

    Everything happens EXACTLY as planned. Come on here, we're talking about the descendants of Kings and Queens! Nothing is left to chance. This is the 21st Century for crying out loud. If you don't realize there is a massive global conspiracy for world population control then you aren't paying attention. Every world actor does EXACTLY as they are scripted to do. It is a big drama, a movie, for our entertainment.

    There will be war. And blood letting. And human sacrifice to the god of evil.

    September 13, 2012 7:43 PM

    Ignorant Obama lover!

  6. Obama lover?

    His bosses created al Qaeda?

    There will be war . . .

    No, my friend, NOT an Obama lover. Wake up! Both political parties are totally corrupt and serve the corporate ointerests of big money military industrial complex, international banking, and big pharma.

    Both political parties. Stop voting

  7. There is no lesser of two evils. There is only evil.


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